General Mulligans
in the early game generally you have to survive, not to win. If you can ramp properly you can play even aggressive, but the hero power gives the best if you try to controll the board. If the opponent chose to go face you have the upper hand , you can survive whith your cheap cards , hero power , untill one of the big heal in your deck come out, then the value you gain for loosing life will pay.
Aggro Mulligans
On aggro if you have a mass removal end reno you can outvalue him on turn 5 destroing the board and on turn 6 reopening the game whit reno. Shadow word dead can same the day again shaman 7/7, druid fast big guys , and rogue if you are "sure" he run van cleef, otherwise you dont keep it.
Combo Mulligans
The first pick against a combo deck is Reno, at the actual time there is no 30 dmg combo, so when you think you are at reach you play reno and you gain precious time. Shadow form gives you always value and you can go a little bit aggro if he sits too mutch, so when Reno saves the day you will be able to close the game whit an old god.
Control Mulligans
On a controll match up the fast you get shadowform te most value you get from it, your basic hero power can go waste many times in controll match up. You can try to gain card advantage, it is really hard you reach fatigue whit this deck, if you have played the 2 gods and you didnt win you can go home :D.
Hi, this is a preist reno deck.
The basic idea i was working on those days was : there is a stand alone neutral card list that can fit, i suppose, every class.
The list is : Reno Jackson;
Sylvanas Windrunner ,Chillmaw ,Cairne Bloodhoof N'Zoth, The Corruptor ;
I’have tried paladin and druid, but my favourite is still the priest.
If you can count on Reno Jackson, supported by Twilight Darkmender and Darkshire Alchemist, you can gain value from the Shadowform, really relevant in controll match to win a stall battle and against aggro if you can stabilize the first wave.
The problem is sometime the tempo of the deck, maybe i have to fix something about the curve.
There are cards that i like, but are not essential and can be replaced if something fits more: Confessor Paletress,Mind Control, Twilight Summoner.
The C'Thun people gives you a big bomb and a stable curve of valueble cards, so i think it fits really well.I just dont have the vec’lor, i suppose it will be my next craft, Chillmaw untill then will fit close enought.
The results are encouraging, at least from my point of view, it has the 50% of winning on everything i tried, even zoo and shaman, a litle better on other controll deck, if they give you time to play Reno Jackson, then C'Thun or N'Zoth, The Corruptor , or both you have the upper end. On mage is really an easy game.
I added Brann Bronzebeard becouse it fits the curve, and there are many battlecries i was surprised discovering how many times he double your C'Thun !!! he is almost a second reno if you play him whit Twilight Darkmender.
Update : Piromance out, couse lack of spells, and hooded accolite out, couse i don’t heal mutch in the end,due to shadowform.
in Barnes and Moroes. Barnes in a N'Zoth, The Corruptor deck needs no explanetion, Moroes is in testing , and doing well.