We haven’t seen much of Aggro Paladin since the inception of Secret Paladin, but Rdu was able to win the Insomnia Truesilver Championship with it in his line up. Paladin has a very strong early game, and is rewarded by dumping their hand with Divine Favor. The deck also uses Leeroy Jenkins which was once a very popular card, but hasn’t seen much play since the nerf.
Rdu took home 1st place at Insomnia’s Truesilver Championship! Here are the decks that he used to get there:
i like this i play
This deck cuts through the lower ranks like a hot knife through butter. I went from 20 no starts to the doorstep of rank 13 with like 2-3 losses.
Then I hit the wall…. ran into Control/Reno Warrior, reno lock, aggro shama, and secret paladin and got wrekt.
this deck get shrekt by temop mage.. just warning you
if they have coin.. you may be fucked
is there any replacement for coghammer?
Second Truesilver Champion.
Which hero power from Finley?
Life Tap or Steady Shot most likely.
I just hit legend for the first time with this deck, going from rank 6 to legend in about 70 games (about 10 hours with this fast deck).
This deck isn’t really new, just old school aggro paladin with added keeper flexibility. The meta does appear to be ripe for its use though. It does particularly well against oil rogue (8-3) and other secrets/midrange paladins (12-5), which were the most common opponents on my climb. I was also happy to play handlocks and aggro druids.
I was not happy to see control priests or patron warriors, but they were relatively uncommon.
Is their a Leeroy replacement?
Second Arcane Golem.
Was doing some conquest formats with a lower ranked friend, always lost to this deck with oil rogue or midrange hunter when the dude played a deck similar to this one. He and I thought the deck was a big joke but ok it’s actually a thing.
Mulligan for Face/Control match up? 🙂
face prob coghammer, leper gnome and creeper (maybe squire);
control probably keeper, muster, juggler, and leper.
Although I am definately no expert at this deck XD