rayC’s Witchwood #16 Legend Control Big Spells Mage ft. Voodoo Doll
Learn how to play this archetype with our Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide.
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Since Keysmith failed me many times. I got to the same same deck for big mage. Just I don’t get OP ideal of having 2x Ooze, 2x Doomsayer, 2x Acolyte of Pain and a Spellbreaker?? Mine is a bit different:
1x Acidic Swam Ooze => 1x Sulking Geist
1x Doomsayer => 1x Chief Inspector
1x Acolyte of Pain => Sindragosa
1x Stonehill Defender => The Lich King
1x Spellbreaker => Pyroblast / Witchwood Piper / Kobold Apprentice (Still checking this)
Elise for pyros
The Elise pack can really screw up your Dragon’s Fury – I’d stay away from it
And how you win pala or hunter ?
ez… lol
u have mass clear so much…
any replace for geddon?
Not really since the idea is to gain big hp after playing jaina if u were low. E.g. say u were 1 hp and u just played jaina and they filled the board with pala u can drop baron and heal to full. Drake is probably the best replacement.
Such a bad deck lol. RIP dust.
Yeah this deck gets crushed my control priest. Shadow visions into power word pain. Feels like you can’t win against that deck
What? DKJaina completely crushes this deck by itself. You’ll never be in range to be burned out. Only way to lose is if she’s in the bottom 5 cards of your deck.
You’re right.
I swear half of the people here comment on a deck playing 0-5 games of it and not even putting any thought into the matchups/meta it’ll face.
They never play minions and burn you out with shadow Andowin
I mean for me this beats anduin the lifesteal and the amour gain, only way is if they get anduin early. This deck is better than mind blast for the 1 reason that aids witching hour is in the game and control priest vs that is insta lost.
If you properly use your Arcane Artificer to simply gain a ton of armor, you should be pretty well set. It’s perfectly okay to just Artificer + Flamestrke in order to start tanking up. If they aren’t playing many minions and have a lot of low-cost spells it should be pretty easy to figure out that you’re up against one before the Alexstraza your face.
Even if all goes south, your DK Jaina is far superior than DK Anduin in this matchup. You should easily be able to stabilize and heal out of his Mind Blast range. Save Meteor for Alexstraza specifically so you can quickly gain 6 armor and remove 8 of his damage.