Rastakan’s Rumble Actual Tempo Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: raven - Type: tempo - Season: season-56 - Style: theorycraft

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The idea is building a deck entirely around Sul'thraze . This card gets me excited because I think it is exactly the card tempo warrior needed most. Frankly, the deck could really use better cards in a lot of slots, but by far the biggest was the upper mana slots. Previous lists have commonly run Gromash and Lich King which I have always thought to be very weak and inflexible. Sul’thraze is better because:

1) it comes out on turn 6.

2) It can be used for a big board swing if you are losing the board against wide decks like odd pally, even shaman, and zoo.

3) It can be used entirely as 16 damage of burn against slow decks that don’t have boards.

4) It can be used to break past taunts allowing your huge frothing berserkers, vicious fledglings, or magnatized mechs to go face, while also getting an extra weapon swing onto their face.

5) Really exciting synergy with Heroic Strike

There is also some wacky stuff in here but hear me out. I struggled really hard to theorycraft a way to take advantage of the mech package in a tempo style deck. However the problem was always the lack of magnetic plays on turns 3 and 4. Bronze gatekeeper is obvious a non-starter for a tempo deck, and replicating menace always felt pretty meh (especially because of the weak turn 3 plays). I tried nightmare amalgam but it felt pretty meh to just play a vanilla 3/4 on turn 3. This is where I got the crazy idea to put in Rampage . The idea here is that you now finally have a way to capitalize on all that health from eternium rover and Saronite Taskmaster. You can value trade turns 1 and 2 then turn 3 rampage and start going face. It also synergizes well will snowballing your frothing berserkers, vicious fledglings, and rush minions in general. 

*Edit: I took out the framebots and wargear because Saronite Taskmaster looks over powered. I put in Leeroy because he fits the game plan well. I am keeping rampage as I think it will still work with Saronite Taskmaster as well as with the rest of the deck.

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