You could try to tech in skulking geist replacing dirty rat for jade matchup. Dirty is only really there to grab stuff like archmage antonidas in the exodia mage etc.
Totally agree with Rage on that it’s the hardest deck in the game right now. As a Miracle Rogue main i must say, that this is on a whole new level in terms of skillcap. I basically rope every turn and still make tons of sub par plays. Dead Man’s Hand alone is one of the most mind-boggling cards in terms of counting cards/draw chances and so on. 5/5 deck.
i dont get the point for Armorsmith. you can’t play/keep more than 2 minions you won’t get more than 2 armor from her.
what is the budget replacement for thalnos? Loot hoarder or zealot?
and can you replace geist with rat? to better the matchup against jade
You can either do Amani Berserker or Haunted Creeper
waht cards can i replace, i dont have this 2 card arcane giant
Arcane Giant can’t be replaced unfortunately. It’s critical to the decks success.
Such a good list. Auto lose to jade though?
You could try to tech in skulking geist replacing dirty rat for jade matchup. Dirty is only really there to grab stuff like archmage antonidas in the exodia mage etc.
Totally agree with Rage on that it’s the hardest deck in the game right now. As a Miracle Rogue main i must say, that this is on a whole new level in terms of skillcap. I basically rope every turn and still make tons of sub par plays. Dead Man’s Hand alone is one of the most mind-boggling cards in terms of counting cards/draw chances and so on. 5/5 deck.
“maining” in hearthstone…cmon now
Played no other deck 3 months in a row, so “maining” is appropriate i think.
goddamit I always have to use a notebook to keep track of my cards lol don’t have decktracker xd