yeah take out prince valanar, the card is not good at all blood razors is way better. Also take out Forge of souls since u don’t wanna draw weapons, pure draw is critical in quest warrior. 1. Replace valanar with another Acolyte.
2. Replace forge of souls with scourgelord garrosh.
3. Replace shieldslam with another sleep with fishes
oooookkk… looks alright, i would run Scourgelord Garrosh though, no explanation needed
also why run Prince Valanar when u have blood razors?
yeahhh, sorry, i did’t put blood razors at the first place, any suggest?
yeah take out prince valanar, the card is not good at all blood razors is way better. Also take out Forge of souls since u don’t wanna draw weapons, pure draw is critical in quest warrior. 1. Replace valanar with another Acolyte.
2. Replace forge of souls with scourgelord garrosh.
3. Replace shieldslam with another sleep with fishes