Fortherobot’s Quest Warrior feat. Elise

Class: Warrior - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-39 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

In General you want to look for your favored 3 Drops. Your 2 drops are pretty basic being Armor Smith. I prefer to save Dirty Rat for a Doomsayer from the opponent or even a Brawl from your end. Stonehill Defender being #1 since it can discover a 4 drop or 5 to help your curve. Tar Creeper is general is good on 3 regardless. Play your Quest turn 1 and just try to keep your Mana on Curve laying down Taunts until you can complete it.

Aggro Mulligans

Aggro can be really easy to defeat if you can mulligan and draw the right cards you need. Since Hunter, Druid, even Murloc Paladin, and to some extent Bloodlust shaman flood the board quickly.

You typically want to look for your combo of Whilwind / Ghoul and Sleep with the fishes, execute can follow up in case of a large minion that gets out of control. 

You want to bait them into dropping their entire hand onto the board, then clear the board using the combo for a 4 damage to all clear. You can bait using the Quest turn 1, and then try and just draw into your taunts, hero power to gain Armor to hold out until you can see a good chance or a clear. 

Quest Warrior with Anti-Aggro Properties and Additional Value Gain from Elise the Trailblazer!

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