Can someone explain how to play this deck? I mean just give me the basics… played it a few times and I get the general objective is malygos then face but how do you stay alive? And when do you plot twist vs not plot twisting?
try to mulligan for questing, plot twist, dark skies (maybe kragg, idk I was playing version with +1 rain of fire instead of kragg). You’re trying to tap whenever you have hand space. If opponent plays not a big threat on turns 1 and 2, its sometimes better to tap on 2 than to play questing depending on the rest of your hand. Sense demons you can keep sometimes as well. Think about in which matchup mo’arg you want with rain of fire (vs druid) and mo’arg + breath (vs demon hunter, hunter). Always try to get max hand size to 9 or 10 cards before first plot twist, whether you rng into the 2nd plot twist doesn’t really matter. Tap + plot twist on turn 4 without coin is not bad
Can someone explain how to play this deck? I mean just give me the basics… played it a few times and I get the general objective is malygos then face but how do you stay alive? And when do you plot twist vs not plot twisting?
try to mulligan for questing, plot twist, dark skies (maybe kragg, idk I was playing version with +1 rain of fire instead of kragg). You’re trying to tap whenever you have hand space. If opponent plays not a big threat on turns 1 and 2, its sometimes better to tap on 2 than to play questing depending on the rest of your hand. Sense demons you can keep sometimes as well. Think about in which matchup mo’arg you want with rain of fire (vs druid) and mo’arg + breath (vs demon hunter, hunter). Always try to get max hand size to 9 or 10 cards before first plot twist, whether you rng into the 2nd plot twist doesn’t really matter. Tap + plot twist on turn 4 without coin is not bad