quest shaman
- 1Corrupt the Waters1
- 1Sludge Slurper1
- 2EVIL Totem1
- 3Far Sight1
- 3Instructor Fireheart1
- 3Marshspawn1
- 3Pit Master1
- 4Dunk Tank1
- 4Groundskeeper1
- 5Corrupt Elementalist1
- 5Muckmorpher1
- 6The Lurker Below1
- 7Galakrond, the Tempest1
- 2Acidic Swamp Ooze1
- 2Cult Neophyte1
- 2EVIL Cable Rat1
- 2Manafeeder Panthara1
- 2Questing Explorer1
- 2Wandmaker1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Vulpera Scoundrel1
- 4Circus Medic1
- 4Devoted Maniac1
- 4Sky Gen’ral Kragg1
- 4Twilight Drake1
- 5Barista Lynchen1
- 5Cobalt Spellkin1
- 5Shield of Galakrond1
- 6Kronx Dragonhoof1
- 9Dragonqueen Alexstrasza1