General Mulligans
Acolyte is useful for extra later game carddraw and even more useful when you buff him or when Northshires are dead so you can no longer use them. Ornery Tortoise is better in my opinion than Crystalizer because it is just a bigger more mid range minion. The aggressiveness of Crystalizers stats make it less useful because it doesn’t stick around or clear as well. Damaged Stegotron is really good to heal overall for quest or becomes a great target for hero power when quest is complete. Lady in White synergizes with the stats of every card in the deck so its very useful for even more value.
A deck I made for the new priest quest card. Got 9 wins in Brawlsium. Was very effective against druid and warrior.
(Just so y’all know) I have done Brawlsium twice so far. I got 11 wins with Murloc Shaman. This one surprised me when it got 9.