Quest Hunter – Saviors of Uldum – Vins

Class: Hunter - Format: dragon - Type: midrange - Season: season-65 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Always keep the quest and always mulligan for Master's Call . 

You will usually draw into cheap stuff to play, which means your hand if often empty, so the refill is the most important part of the early game. The deck 'only' has 15 beasts, which means you have a good chance of drawing combo cards like Hyena Alpha.

Don't be sad if you start with Shimmerfly or Marked Shot in your opening hand. Early value is key to reaching the lategame.

EDIT: Desert Spear can also be kept in the opening hand, since it offers value over multiple turns. The Locust will likely have synergies with your other early cards.


In spite of the general opinion, Quest Hunter has proven to be a powerful deck for myself.

I played it from rank 13 up to rank 6 with about 66% winrate.

(As you can see by the rank, I’m a casual player)


The early game always starts with the quest,  after which you focus on clearing the board and getting in chip face damage.

Desert Spear and Hench-Clan Hogsteed are great options at this point, since they tend to leave behind minions on board. They also have great synergy with Scavenging Hyena.

Snake Trap is often usefull at the start, but try keeping at least one copy in your hand untill you can combo it with Hyena Alpha. If played together, the combo offers a lot of stats, a great board presence and 6 ticks toward quest completion. When playing Marked Shot, always choose a secret if possible.

EDIT: since adding Rat Trap you now have a way higher chance of activating Hyena Alpha and need to be less carefull about playing Snake Trap.

Don’t be afraid to use Revenge of the Wild to bring back smaller boards. The card has finally found it’s place in this deck, and it’s great for board clears, quest progress and even late game finishers.

You will usually complete the quest in the late midgame, especially with the help of Swarm of Locusts

This is where cards like Unleash the Hounds or Tundra Rhino really shine. You will often use them to finish the game, along with Timbre Wolf and/or Revenge of the Wild if you still have them.


This will allow you to increase the impact of cheap cards like Springpaw greatly.


– Removed: 

– Added: 

Although the Rush on Vicious Scalehide was pretty usefull, it just didn’t offer enough stats for it’s cost.

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