Idea of the deck is to go infinite with Kun, Elise, Baleful banker and an extra card of your choice (Oasis surger, Hidden oasis, Sylvanas) to generate board and gain 10 armor for the rest of the game.
Idea of the deck is to go infinite with Kun, Elise, Baleful banker and an extra card of your choice (Oasis surger, Hidden oasis, Sylvanas) to generate board and gain 10 armor for the rest of the game.
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Could you include Mogu Cultist?
hello friend, you break standart meta. and i try 2 baleful banker and 2 innervate, copy all three (kun, elise, baleful banker) and infity armor guarantied. every turn i gain 10 armor and fully board with 2/2 5/5 7/7.
thank for you discovered this. sorry for my bad english. hopefully it was descriptive.
You can do the same with only 1 banker since you copy it first with Elise and once you shuffle Elise into your deck, there is still one banker in your hand. Second innervate is probably the way to go, but I just couldn’t bring myself to leave any of the top end cards out.