Aggro Mulligans
Quest: If your sure your against a pirate warrior or face hunter send it back, but its very hard to close out the game against midrange decks without it.
Swipe: I like to keep swipe if i can ramp into it, otherwise its usually too slow.
Tortollan: Its a body to help fight for the board and it helps get the quest rolling, its pretty good, but i'd rather have a wrath or wild growth into taunts, as thats how you usually end the game against Aggro.
Wrath, Innervate, and Wild Growth are so strong you should always keep em against aggro. particually wrath, leaving a 1 drop or at worst, a south sea captian alive can quickly lead to a loss.
Control Mulligans
Quest: Your win condition. Innervate, and Wild Growth are self explanatory.
Tortollan and Elder Longneck are both proactive plays that get your quest done fast and put a early threat on the board. being one of the few early game threats in the deck there worth keeping. Elder longneck is worth keeping even if you dont have a minion with 5 attack in your hand, chances are you'll draw into it and at worst, its something for the enemy to waste mana killing and gets your quest done faster.
I’m going to have to do some major reworking of this deck come the druid nerfs, but here we have my current 60% Winrate quest druid decklist. This is my fave deck and ill def post some new versions if I can find one with a decent winrate.
If you want to give this deck a try its important to note that this is not ramp druid the two decks play drastically differently. This plays a lot like miracle rouge, spending the early turns surviving and preparing and winning threw huge swing turns. Like miracle rouge, you cant control too much, you have limited damage, and depending how close you are to your quest and what threats are left in your deck should help you decide wether to go face or not. Generally if I can go face without getting punished too hard I like to go face.