Class: Shaman - Format: phoenix - Type: control - Season: season-82 - Style: tournament

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So another Original creation from yours truly.

Cycle through the deck activate quest and complete Thun, then Use hero power to double the battle cry for 60 damage.

For double hero power use Lighting Bloom for the 2 extra mana OR use Farsight to reduce the cost of Thun by 3.

Lorekeeper can help draw Thun.

May need a few small changes but is pretty good.

Galvatron might be a good package for this as well.

Saftey inspector is experimental tech that helps cycle through the deck and activate quest. 

The main themem of these deck is the Cthun OTK combo. However you get there really sent matter so almost all the card can be replaced with whatever style you like.

The card draw oviously helps get to the CTHUN OTK faster but a control deck or aggro deck could run this package.

The combo is Corrupted waters quest CThun card and lighting bloom so the other 27 cards can be whatever

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