Pure Libram Silver Hand Recruits Paladin
- 1Aldor Attendant1
- 2Air Raid2
- 2Hand of A’dal2
- 2Libram of Wisdom2
- 2Murgur Murgurgle1
- 3Carnival Barker2
- 3Consecration2
- 3Day at the Faire2
- 4Balloon Merchant1
- 4Lightforged Zealot2
- 5Aldor Truthseeker2
- 5Amber Watcher2
- 5Libram of Justice2
- 5Lothraxion the Redeemed1
- 7Lightforged Crusader2
- 8High Exarch Yrel1
- 8Turalyon, the Tenured1
- 9Libram of Hope2