General Mulligans
The mulligan choices are fairly obvious in a dragon deck. Because your minions are fairly low attack, you need to get on-board early so you can make trades and use your hero power to heal the minions. I would lean toward keeping Twilight Whelp or Wyrmrest Agent over Museum Curator or Netherspite Historian, but only if I had another dragon activator in my hand.
Dragon Priest has always been one of my favorite decks. With the new adventure adding some new Dragon synergy cards I am anxious to try out the deck again. This is my first attempt at a tempo Dragon priest deck that is heavy on minions and low on spells. There is only one Entomb, one Holy Nova, two PW: S, two SW: D, and two SW:P. I’m not sure about Onyx Bishop in this deck. I have a feeling that I’ll end up cutting it for a second Entomb. Also, I’m not sure I need two of both Netherspite Historian and Museum Curator, but I love the discover mechanic so I’m going to start there and back it down if I need more AOE.