Combo Priest Naga Post nerfs #Legend – Sunken City

Class: Priest - Format: hydra - Type: tempo - Season: season-98 - Style: ladder

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Hello everyone!

Before we begin, I want you to know that English isn’t my first language so please forgive me for any misspellings or grammatical errors

The main goal of this deck is to use as many of Serpent Wig  as possible to control the board and then to combo with Radiant Elemental, Serpent Wig, Priestess Valishj and Zola the Gorgon to buff a creature and otk your opponent.

The buff of Serpent Wig in the last Blizzard update set the deck very viable.

This deck is a really good option if you want to have fun while climbing. I personaly climbed from Rank 5 to Legend in one day using it poste nerfs!

Several tips :

Well i have no so much tips to give here since this deck management is pretty easy.

Be very agressive in your mulligan to get your Serpent Wig, don’t hesitate to mulligan all your hand to have a chance to get it or Thrive in the Shadows.

Make coin + Queensguard is very ok since you have a 3/4 turn 1 and this deck is based on tempo, you NEED to control the board more than your opponent.

The combo is as followed :

Play Radiant Elemental, play any naga, play Serpent Wig (the best is to have the two serpent wig in hands), then play another naga etc. When you d’ont have mana anymore, play Priestess Valishj, then again double Serpent Wig and Zola the Gorgon into it. You can make the combo again until have a 20/20 or more and kill your opponent. The creature to buff is anyone if you can otk but if you plan to kill next turn, buff only Radiant Elemental  because it’s your key card to buff the next turn too if needed.

Blademaster Samuro is here to keep the board in case you lost it against paladin for example. The trick here is top play a Naga and keep the Serpent Wig for next turn to buff Blademaster Samuro because usually, you will not have mana to play both in the same turn. So try to anticipate this kind of situation, when you have lost the board it’s usually too late yet.

Speaking of paladins or mechas, Shard of the Naaru is godlike against them, the divine shield and taunt are really disruptive for our mechanics so this card allows us to reach some annoying minions like Mecha-Shark or simply to win the game bypassing the taunt and divine shields. You can off course drop this card from the deck, it is not mandatory but really recommended.

No many tips to add except try to take the board as early as you can, for example if you have the coin, T1 Vicious Slitherspear + Serpent Wig, Murkwater Scribe + Serpent Wig etc.

Finally, don’t hesitate to do favorable trades, especially if your opponent don’t have any aoe.

Feel free to contact me if you need advices. Hope you enjoyed the deck. Have fun! 🙂

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