Pirate Shaman PIP

Class: Shaman - Format: pegasus - Type: aggro - Season: season-124 - Style: theorycraft

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General Mulligans

I think is right to always go for your 1-Drops, speacially Patches the Pilot. Getting this little guy out as soon as possible is key to maintain pressure as turns goes by. Treasure Distributor is very good if you have Sigil of Skydiving on turn 2, but works just fine with the rest of the deck. Adaptive Amalgam is another 1-Mana Pirate you can rely on!

Cards such as Trusty Companion works pretty well as follow up (ideally with Adaptive Amalgam). Adrenaline Fiend and Hozen Roughhouser enhance your Sigil of Skydiving. Paraglide could be an option in the opening hand if you manage to have it on the left.

Be aggresive with the Pirate package from Demon Hunter Perils in Paradise cards! Summon a bunch of 1/1’s with Charge, buff them with cards like Flametongue Totem, Hozen Roughhouser and even Zilliax Deluxe 3000 and go face for a ton of damage!

The deck also has a few sneaky combos, such as:

1 | Sigil of Skydiving, followed by Conductivity Trusty Companion to have three 3/4 Pirates with Charge and potentially draw three other Pirates from the deck.

2 | Conductivity Skirting Death Sand Art Elemental (Normal or the Mini) for potentially 26 damage if there’s at least three minions with 4 or more attack on the same side of the board (yours included).

3 | Thrall's Gift could be used either for Bloodlust  with a bunch of Charge minions or combine Hex with Conductivity  to deal with your opponent’s threats.

Honorable Mentions:

1 | Adrenaline Fiend is an extra way of pushing damage, also working pretty well with Sand Art Elemental.

2 | Dangerous Cliffside goes nicely with Adrenaline Fiend and specially Sand Art ElementalIf you also manage to have a Treasure Distributor on board… oh boy!

3 | Don’t sleep on Carefree Cookie! Trading is a viable option if you need with this guy on the board.

Important to mention that I’m not entirely sure about the amount of copies for each card, and other tools could fit in the deck as well (Yes, I’m talking about JIVE, INSECT! ), but I think is pretty solid for a start!

Zilliax Deluxe 3000 Build:

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