General Mulligans
Preparation + Raiding party + Kingsbane is a quite deadly first turn, so if you can manage to get any three of these cards, it would be smart to keep them.Aggro Mulligans
As it always has, Kingsbane has trouble against aggro decks due to a lack of power early game. Bloodsail and Dread Corsair are good ways to help combat early decks with some tempo/value plays early on. Having a high attack weapon helps with value here quite a bit, making a 2 mana 3/3 or 3 mana 3/3 taunt relatively easy to bring out. Prep into flurry or vanish will help clear the board if it's starting to get overwhelming.Midrange Mulligans
Phantom will help deal with strong midgame decks by providing pressure , and Corsair/Bloodsail/Cutthroat will help with tempo.
Combo Mulligans
Draw Kingsbane and buff to prepare for lategame.