Pavel's BlizzCon Top-8 Hearthstone World Championship Decks
- Pavel’s Midrange Shaman – Hearthstone World Championship Top-8 (BlizzCon 2016)
- Pavel’s Yogg Malygos Druid – Hearthstone World Championship Top-8 (BlizzCon 2016)
- Pavel’s Malygos Miracle Rogue – Hearthstone World Championship Top-8 (BlizzCon 2016)
- Pavel’s C’Thun Warrior – Hearthstone World Championship Top-8 (BlizzCon 2016)
- Pavel’s Tempo Mage – Hearthstone World Championship Top-8 (BlizzCon 2016)
I need to replace emporoer thurrisan and sylvanas. What would be the best options . I have faceless maniplulator for slyvanas and Rag for thuarrisan
Those replacements sound fine.
How does this deck hold against midrange shaman?
It’s a pretty bad matchup, quite a bit worse than your standard control warrior.
Any replacement for Twin Emperor Vek’lor?
I’d try second Revenge, but Twin Emperor is pretty important.
What combos are you after with emperor?
I’d say the major one is Brann Bronzebeard and Doomcaller.
I dont have brawl, gorehowl and sylvanas, what can I replace them with?
You could maybe get away without having Gorehowl or Sylvanas, but there’s no replacement for Brawl.
Ok, I’ll craft brawl then when I get the dust
But what can I replace sylvanas with, I was thinking Azure drake
And baron geddon instead of gorehowl
I don’t mind Baron Geddon for Gorehowl, I would play Harrison Jones if you have it for Sylvanas. Bash or Slam are other options. Azure Drake wouldn’t be bad either though!
Do you like Barron or Ragnaros more?
For this deck Baron might be slightly better for ladder, but Ragnaros is the more useful card overall. If you’re short on dust, I’d craft Ragnaros.
I have both, I was just wondering which one I should put in
I might try Baron out and see if it helps with your Shaman matchup.
What would the ideal replacement for Justicar be?
You could throw in a Slam, but Justicar is pretty strong in this deck.