General Mulligans
For most matchups you want a strong early game to take control of the board and curve into your OTK. You have powerful board on turn one with Hive Queen. Don't keep Firefly with Hive Queen. The Axe is great to get the board and keep it for a few turns. Mulligan your OTK
Aggro Mulligans
This deck was made for aggro wins. Keep all of your AOE to make sure you don't get overwhelmed. Axe + Hive Queen is a great game winning opener. Your combo is useless in this matchup becuase you never get the long game. Hagatha and Healing Rain are great stabilizers after the initial rush.
Control Mulligans
Against a deck like cubelock or taunt Druid you need a good opener to put up early pressure. While this deck can dominate Paladins against cube it all depends on your draw. If you get Hagath down you have a good chance of winning or surviving until your combo
The ladder is full of Paladins and it’s hard to find and deck that can counter Paladin. I came up with this deck as a counter with big taunts and strong board control and early game presence.
Against non aggro decks you have the OTK (two turn) of Alexstraza into Leeroy + Rockbiter + Windfury. The deck also feature earth shock to silence big taunts with your one extra mana. The deck features Hagatha and Ysera to gain value before your OTK.