General Mulligans
These are the cards that you usually want to get if you want to stay in top of the board control.
Firefly/Igneous Elemental: It's a good opener for facing small aggro minions and eventually if you get a lot of 1/2 elemental in your hand you can make your ozruk into a high defense minions or psychic scream your opponent and mess up your opponents draws. It's also gives you a chance to use servant of kalimos effect.
Crystalline Oracle/Curious Gimmerroot: It's a good opener for facing small aggro minions and it's a great way to see what type of deck you're facing.
Stonehill defender: It's a great way to stall turns and you get to discover and taunt minions!
Hey everybody, aren’t you guys just sick of playing the same deck meta over and over? Well today is a different day for you folks. I’m going to introduce to a new meta a deck to watch out for. This deck is a very high skill play and difficult to master, but your main objective is to control the board.
There’s a few ways to win the game with this deck, but only once you’re able to control the board. It can be buffing your minions with glitter moth and then combo with void ripper dealing a ton of damage to the opponent face. There’s also a chance you can combo with lyra and use vivid nightmare to generate priest spells that can deal tons of damage and giving you great buffs. Don’t forget about witch’s cauldron this card is so amazing for you. You can grab a windfury spell card and just use it on your high defense minions combo it with inner fire/void ripper can just be lethal.
There’s so many ways of playing this deck that you just can’t get bored playing with it. It’s just an amazing deck that I create and even though I’m not recognize as a pro yet, I still consider myself as a top player to watch out for. I’m going to make a youtube video going more in depth how this deck works. Stay tune to my next decks that I’ll be creating.