Thanks to Ownerism for allowing us to re-host this Midrange Shaman deck list guide!
Well met! I’m Ownerism, a casual Hearthstone scrub who is currently at #1 legend NA with the deck I am about to present to you. First of all, all credit goes to Cerasi for actually making the deck. Also credit to Hotform’s Tempo Mage guide for a basic outline of how to write this guide.
- Proof:
- Stats from Rank 2 to legend:
This deck is focused on building an early board while taking favorable trades with the help of spirit claws to snowball into a strong mid-game advantage. Once you develop a strong board, try to play around board clears and whittle your opponents health down until they are in burst range.
Pros and Cons
This deck has a great early game and will almost always be winning on the board by turn 4 with the help of Spirit Claws and Totem Golem. Even if you fall behind on board you have great comeback potential with Lightning Storm/Maelstrom Portal accompanied by spell damage and a discounted Thing from Below. It can also definitely hold its own late game with Thunder Bluff Valiant and Al'Akir the Windlord.
Being a minion-based deck, it takes a lot of thought as to how to push damage while not playing into board clears. Sometimes, you will get bad mulligans and be forced to totem on turn 2/3, which really isn’t that bad considering how much comeback potential this deck has. Match-ups Honestly, this deck performs very well to every meta deck except for Arcane Giant Druid and Freeze Mage. Control warrior is hit or miss depending on if you draw well early on and can whittle their HP down to set up the Al’Akir Rockbiter Weapon/Flametongue Totem combo. Versus all other decks as long as you play around AOE well you should be favored.
Before we talk about mulligans one thing to keep in mind is that we always want to mulligan for a good curve before all else. For example if we already have a Spirit Claws in our hand and a Totem Golem then we shouldn’t keep Rockbiter Weapon, even though otherwise we would keep it. Cards that are marked with an asterisk (*) are conditional and we only keep if we have synergy with them in our hand or if it helps us curve out.
- Druid: Argent Squire, Spirit Claws, Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Hex, Tuskarr Totemic
- Hunter: Argent Squire, Spirit Claws, Rockbiter Weapon, Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Tuskarr Totemic*
- Mage: Argent Squire, Spirit Claws, Rockbiter Weapon, Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Tuskarr Totemic*
- Paladin: Argent Squire, Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Tuskarr Totemic
- Priest: Argent Squire, Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Tuskarr Totemic, Hex
- Rogue: Argent Squire, Spirit Claws, Tunnel Trogg, Rockbiter Weapon, Spirit Claws, Totem Golem
- Shaman: Argent Squire, Spirit Claws, Tunnel Trogg, Rockbiter Weapon, Totem Golem, Tuskarr Totemic*
- Warlock: Argent Squire, Rockbiter Weapon, Spirit Claws, Tunnel Trogg, Maelstrom Portal, Totem Golem, Lightning Storm*
- Warrior: Argent Squire, Rockbiter Weapon, Spirit Claws, Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Tuskarr Totemic
Extra Tips
If you have a great curve already like a 1-drop into Totem Golem into coin Tuskarr Totemic, then you can keep Thing from Below in your opening hand since it will cost 4 mana. Also, if you have both Spirit Claws and Bloodmage Thalnos in your opener then you obviously keep both. Also, positioning is key in this deck. Play your hardest to kill minions (highest health, Argent Squire, Mana Tide Totem) on the farthest left because your totems spawn on the far right side. This makes it so that you can position your Flametongue Totem between two weak minions so that when they die off you will get another 2 extra damage.
Matchup Strategies
Clear your opponents T1 Living Roots with Spirit Claws/Tunnel Trogg/Argent Squire and develop a strong board while your opponent ramps. If you have a Totem Golem and something else on board by turn 4 you should have a good advantage going into the midgame. Try to save your hexes for Arcane Giants but if you need to use it on their Violet Teacher/Fandral Staghelm that’s okay too, but you’ll need to end the game before they Yogg.
Use Spirit Claws, Tunnel Trogg, or Argent Squire to kill their Fiery Bat and then try to develop a board advantage with the help of Rockbiter Weapon.
Versus tempo mage, force the opponent to play defensively and develop tempo by clearing their minions with Rockbiter. Since your minions are very good stat-wise when compared to their mana cost, the mage won’t be able to keep up their removal with how quick you are developing the board. Play around Flamestrike and try to kill them before Yogg, or at least save your cards in hand if you’re ahead and your opponent is going into turn 10. Versus Freeze mage just try to play as aggressively as possible and hex their doomsayer and set up to pop their block with an Al’Akir.
Late-game Paladin decks will often be forced to hero power on turn 2 and Aldor/Hero power again on turn 3, so just expect those plays and play your hand out accordingly. On turn 4, play around Consecration and Truesilver Champion and develop a board that’s enough to pressure him, but don’t overextend into Wild Pyromancer/Equality combo.
Develop a strong board early and hex their Injured Blademaster/Priest of the Feast so that they will Resurrect a Frog. Going into turn 5 make trades so that some minions go down to 1 HP while others stay out of range of Excavated Evil/Holy Nova. Without Lightbomb, Priest has a very hard time dealing with your board when your minions are above 4 HP.
Versus Tempo Rogue our matchup should be extremely favored with Spirit Claws and Maelstrom Portals. Versus Miracle Rogue play around Backstab SI and keep developing your board. Hex their Tomb Pillager on turn 4 if you have no very good way to trade into it, otherwise save your hexes for their Edwins. Rogue will have a very hard time dealing with our board so keep whittling them down. Feel free to play a Flametongue Totem on just one minion or a mana tide when you already have board control as they will need to spend their turn removing those minions even though they have already gotten their value.
Expect a good opener from the opponent and if we fall behind, stall by hero powering/playing Mana Tide Totem until we get a good board clear with Spirit Claws/Rockbiter Weapon+Lightning Storm and a cheap Thing from Below. This huge swing will often get you enough tempo to turn the game.
This deck is now extremely favored vs Zoo with the new addition of Spirit Claws. As with the shaman matchup, we will often fall behind early on board but we can easily come back with an AOE and a Spirit Claws or Rockbiter Weapon. If you are ahead on board, use your AOE sparingly to play around forbidden ritual.
Versus Dragon Warrior, if we draw Spirit Claws/Rockbiter Weapon/Totem Golem then we are in great shape. If not, then as with the Warlock and Shaman Matchups, stall until you can clear the board. Even if we get down to 10 HP we are relatively safe as long as we have a taunt up as Dragon Warrior has no burn cards. Versus Control Warrior, Play around Brawl and play your Mana Tide Totems to force your opponent to brawl and then reload the board with Thing from Belows and Thunder Bluff Valiant. Your opponent should not be above 20 or so HP if we are putting enough pressure on the board so keep playing until you draw Al’Akir/Rockbiter combo and burst them down.
Card Discussion

Argent Squire: A solid one-drop that couples extremely well with Flametongue Totem or another damage source such as Spirit Claws in order to gain board advantage. Rockbiter Weapon: Lets you have board advantage early by clearing their 2 drop with 1 mana and developing a minion at the same time. Versus control decks, try to save it to combo with Al-Akir.
Spirit Claws: I can not stress how good this card is. This is probably the sole reason this deck does so well against tempo decks. Even if you don’t get a spell damage totem you can use it as a ping or just save it until you play azure drake or roll spell damage.
Tunnel Trogg: I only run one because we are not running many overload cards like Feral Spirits. Although a 1/3 body is okay, it is easily countered by Fiery War Axe, Alexstraszas Champion, and any 3/2 really. Also, we already have 2 extra 1-drops in our deck so we don’t need too many. Bloodmage Thalnos: Synergizes very well with Spirit Claws and our AOE spells. Also allows us to develop the board without playing into board clears.
Flametongue Totem: A great card, especially in the mid-late game. The thing with Flametongue is that you already get 4 damage OR MORE out of the card the turn that you play it, and then you opponent has to clear it or else they will take even more damage. They will usually prioritize killing Flametongue Totem over your Tuskarr or Totem Golem allowing you to further pressure the board without overextending.

Maelstrom Portal: A great card overall, not only versus zoo. We usually will want to roll spell power or couple this with Thalnos/Drake to get lots of value out of it but it’s fine to use it as a ping. This card is great because it allows us to not trade into the enemy minions when we are ahead on board and instead push for more damage.
Totem Golem: Even though this card will often force us to hero power on turn 3, it is amazing as it can trade into the opponents 1/3 or 3/2 and then we can roll a healing totem or at least force your opponent to spend another 2 mana pinging it. Also, it often takes two cards to remove like Slam Execute.
Hex: Card is amazing. If you can help it, try to save it until the lategame instead of using it reactively while you have no board.
Lightning Storm: With two Maelstrom Portals, we only need to run one copy of this card. A lightning storm with a Thing From Below and a Rockbiter on the same turn can completely turn a losing game.
Mana Tide Totem: Since we are often ahead on the board, this is an amazing card given that it forces our opponent to use a spell kill it instead of one of our other cards and we already drew a card from it.
Tuskarr Totemic: 4/7 Chance to get an amazing totem, 3/7 chance to get a good totem. This is best used when we already have a board and we want to further develop it instead of playing this on an empty board because if we don’t roll high, then we will fall behind and if we do roll high then our opponent will often just straight up lose. This card is great for making Thing From Below Cheaper and we often play a turn 3 Tuskarr into a turn 4 Thing From Below.

Master of Evolution: Honestly, I haven’t found that much use for this card but since we are usually ahead on board we can trade into the opponent’s minions and then evolve our damaged minion to solidify our board.
Azure Drake: Spell Power goes well with our AOE and Spirit Claws, and we aren’t afraid to play this card into AOE.
Thunder Bluff Valiant: Often we want to save this card until our opponent uses their board clears. Try to save Thunderbluff until you have at least 2-3 totems to buff, but this card can definitely be played as a 5 mana 3/6 on turn 5 if we have no other plays. This card will often seal the game and it lets us get value out of our otherwise mediocre totems.
Fire Elemental: Overall solid card because it puts a lot of pressure on the board while clearing a card at the same time. Thing From Below: This is probably the hardest part about this deck to play correctly. If we have another good play, then we want to save TFB in our hand as long as possible so we can either reload the board after a board clear or we can develop a very strong turn later on with a lightning storm clear+ Thing from Below. Versus classes that you have to put pressure on, you can keep this card in your hand if it looks like you will curve out perfectly into it.
Al'Akir the Windlord: Originally I didn’t think this was a very good card as it only puts six points of pressure on the board but I’ve grown to love it. Versus control decks we save it in our hand to combo with Rockbiters or Flametongue totems that we already have on board and our opponent won’t expect to face this much burst damage. Versus faster decks we can just play this on turn 8 in order to trade into a strong minion while developing a taunt on the board so we don’t die.
Card Replacements
Bloodmage Thalnos: Thalnos is a pretty key card in this deck but if need be you can replace it with a Kobold Geomancer. People often say that Geomancer isn’t a proper replacement to Thalnos but in this deck I think it’s completely fine.
Al'Akir the Windlord: This card is also a key card but if you don’t have it a Ragnaros the Firelord can be good too.
Although this seems like a very straightforward deck to play and curve out with, it actually requires quite a bit of thinking to know how far we can play into AOE and what turn we should swing the board on. There is a lot of RNG involved with totem-rolling but if played correctly, you can easily win the game with low rolls all game. Thanks for reading my guide and good luck on the climb 🙂 I welcome any constructive criticism or questions in the comments as this if my first time writing a guide. -Ownerism
I replaced al’akir with BL cus i didnt have him, work very great. I also found Master of evo awkward to play, so i replaced him with Windseeker. Great burst combo with flametounge and rockbiter..
Im on a winstreak in almost 8.
wtf is BL?
I got legend first time with this deck. Really great Thanks
Reached to legend today with this amazing deck ! Thank you Ownerism for sharing with us ! My version: -1mana tide toten +1 argent squire. #FeelsGoodMan
Reach to legend today with this amazing deck ! Thank u Ownerism ! #FeelsGoodMan
very nice deck and one of the most powerful shaman decks.
from rank 13 to 8 with a very good win ratio (about 10w and 2L).
I replace tunnel trogg with bloodlust and now it works even better.
Doing good at top 500 legend ranks with a version of this deck right now, it’s very stong if played correctly. Big ups to Ownerism for sharing the list and his tought on how to play it 😉
I’m finding at times, I need just a little extra health to close the game. What do you suggest?
great deck, but would’nt +1 trogg +2 feral spirits make the deck even stronger? perhaps -1 argent squire -1mana tide … thanks
Back in the day I actually disenchanted an Al akir for some dust and now I don’t have him 🙁 .
I’m using second thunder bluff instead of al akir .
Deck works well .
Atm, the deck seems awesome: 9-1 from rank 11 to 8. I’m using doomhammer cause I’m missing Al’akir.
+1 Ownerism
Amazing deck! I replaced the Al’Akir for Bloodlust, and 12-2 by now!
I removed the Al’Akir and put Bloodlust instead and it works perfectly. Rank 6 to rank 4 in one hour , 8-0 until now
The Tunnel Trogg is not busted but it works as a good bite so that your opponents think you’re aggro shaman and cast a spell or few cards to remove it when you basically don’t even care about him 🙂
Also the Master of Evolution is a 4 drop with good stats (4/5) and even if you manage to evolve a totem your making a benefit and you keep your curve and tempo
Master of Evo is also incredible on the thing from belows. Even with reduced cost it turns it to a 7 mana dude.
I swear i have seen at least three people playing this deck in the last hour.
This deck is great! My only question is how to play against renolock?
I just wanted to say well done with the deck guide. I don’t think one could ask for a more comprehensive and detailed guide than this.
I got from rank 15 to rank 2 in 2 days with about 90% winrate with a slightly different deck. I use no trogg, no master of evolution and instead have 2 storms and 2 thunder bluff variants. I think it is super strong and super fun to play. The board you can build by turn 4 is just insane ! On my way to Legend now 😉
I love shaman but FUCK I can’t play shaman anymore. The class is so inconsistent unless you’re playing aggro. This deck is great on paper but you lose if your start sucks and it’s too slow against aggro decks and not fast enough against control. UGH I WANT TO MAKE SHAMAN GREAT AGAIN
Great deck and great guide! Thank you so much for share this amazing midrange shaman. I have played lot of versions of mid shaman since WotOG, and some changes with the new adventure and this is my favourite list. Very solid and pretty well against tempo decks
Why does the deck Not run the doctor 4?
I’m loving this deck right now but i’m feeling tunnel trogg feels like a dead card if drawn late, would kobald work in its place? Spell damage is more important for the portals/claws.
awsome deck and awsome guide! thnx and keep up the goodwork!
Great deck but Master of Evolution feels pretty useless, any idea for replacement?
Is it possible to replace Master of Evo with Harrison? Even mages have weapons these days.
Seems fine.
What do you think of cutting the Tunnel Trogg for a 2nd Lightning Storm or a Bloodlust? I don’t really see the use of Trogg without Lightning Bolt/Feral Spirit/Doomhammer/Flamewreathed
Would a Doomhammer be a decent replacement of i don’t have al’akir or rag?
Doomhammer works.
Is Al’Akir worth crafting for this deck? Or whats a viable replacement.
You can try Doomhammer.
Im using leeroy in his place
Legit ladder deck! Best midrange list since WotOG. Wrecks anything, although Control/Freeze mage and CW is kind of a tough match-up.
For what can I replace Bloodmage, thanks 😉
Second Tunnel Trogg.
I would recommend a Kobold Geomancer to be honest. Spell damage is so important in this deck that Kobold is actually a viable replacement.
Thx for the list and the guide. 7:0 by now and the deck is a blast to play.
Only thing I wonder is if the Master of Evolution could be Thunder Bluff Valiant No. 2. It’s such a great card in this deck … On the other hand, the only time I cast Master it produced a Prophet Velen, which was pretty darn good with the aoe effects in my hand. 😉
I’ve seen lists with double Valiant so it’s definitely viable.
Master of Evolution on Fire Elemental after you use the battlecry (and hopefully attack with it next turn, but keep it alive) is unreal. I’ve had it evolve into Prophet Velen, Confessor Paletress, Fearsome Doomguard, Obsidian Destroyer, and Bog Creeper so far! Love this deck. Currently 10-2 from rank 13-10.
you know why this deck is good ? because it runs 1 overload card only. fuck overload…