Overload Token Shaman – Shadows Post-Buff – #1 Legend (Fen)
- 0Mutate2
- 0Zap!2
- 1Earth Shock2
- 1Lightning Bolt2
- 1Sludge Slurper2
- 1Voltaic Burst2
- 2Likkim2
- 2Underbelly Angler2
- 4Storm Chaser1
- 4Thunderhead2
- 5Bloodlust1
- 6The Storm Bringer1
- 7Swampqueen Hagatha1
- 9Shudderwock1
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When should I be playing sludge slurper? Should I be saving it for underbelly angler? Do I ever play it turn 1?
Gets ruined by druid and warlock zoo decks. Cant gain back board control after they have the nuts. Little crappy 1/1 aint good enough against a full board of buffed up 3/3, 4/4.
Jepetto also a dead card in 90% of my games because you cant afford to waste a turn playing only a 6/6 for 8. Even on turn 10 its garbage because he always pulls the bad minions filling your deck.
In this aggro/control meta, you just cant keep board control for 1 turn at all.
Also please stop tagging with #1 legend deck when you only play 2-5 games at legend with it. That doesnt auto make it a #1 deck.
I played with this list for like 500+ games before I hit #1 legend with it in June, LOL
Not quite understanding the win condition of this deck, any willing to help? (new hs player sorry)
Against more aggressive decks (Hunters, Druids) your goal is to gain board control, which you can do thanks to your overload cards that trigger Likkim and especially Thunderhead. Once you have board control, you decide what trades you make, so you can maintain board control and snowball from there with mutate combos etc.
Against control decks your goal is to play enough minions to force board clears while keeping enough minions in hand to put a board back after each clear. Then you capitalize on an unanswered board using Bloodlust or Stormbringer, for the win !
My favorite deck right now, so fun to play, brings back the real shaman feelings and u never feel unfavoured, i must say a great deck for current meta and happy to see shaman back in this token based buff form! <3
I’ve cut Storm Chaser and Swampqueen for two Cult Masters and its insane.
I dont get it… the 2 underbelly anglers? its for missinformation or what?
That and it forces removal that might otherwise get used on Thunderhead imo.
To get infinite murlocs in slower mu’s where u need more value. It creates minions(tokens) synergy for your deck. Early tempo if needed. Make opponent think your murloc shammy. If u run out of cards it’s a nice refill too so quite alot of pro’s imo