Control Mulligans
Hex is very important against control especially for Cubelock / Control Warlock (for Voidlord and Rin).
This is a deck I’m really excited about because the previous Overload Shaman already gave me a lot of fun. Now, with the addition of the brand new Shaman hero Hagatha the Witch, Shaman has a lot more sustain in late game and the value generated by Hagatha’s passive is really nice.
The deck is based around three minions : Drakkari Defender, Earth Elemental and more specially Snowfury Giant.
- Win Conditions
As I said above, you have three powerful minions with huge stats for their cost (without considering the overloaded mana crystals of course). There are basically 2 main ways you can win the game :
- You are playing against Aggro or Midrange and you are able to deal with the enemy board thanks to your AoEs, and you keep playing your big taunts until your opponent can’t deal with them anymore (mostly when he runs out of cards in his hand).
- You are playing against control, you survive until your giants cost (0), then you can do different combos. You can use Ancestral Spirit on one of your giants then you copy it with the upgraded Lesser Sapphire Spellstone which gives a board of four 8/8 giants which can’t be removed (because of the resummon) unless your opponent plays Psychic Scream or Vanish. If he doesn’t, the game is over and he concedes (almost every time). There’s also the solution where you play both giants and play Spirit Echo in order to spam the board with giants several turns in a row which is very difficult to stand for a control deck. Keep in mind you can do the same against aggro on your big taunts so you can’t be damaged to the face, even if this doesn’t really protect from Baku Hunter.
Hagatha the Witch can also win the game because some spells that are generally useless can find a real utility in some situations (example : you have a giant on board or an Earth Elemental, you get the spell that gives Windfury to one of your minion and you can end the game with a massive burst).
Azalina Soulthief is also a card I added because it can give you a second breath when your hand is filled with useless spells (AoEs in control match-ups, card draw in late game / fatigue, cheap or useless spells gained from Hagatha, etc). Even if it’s not very good against aggro, it’s worth having it (by copying the hand of cubelock for example). If you don’t want this card in your deck, you should replace it with Harrison Jones, which is great in the meta but sadly a card I don’t have yet.
- Defensive tools
This deck has a massive amount of spells, first because Shaman needs them to deal with the enemy board (Zap! (excellent card by the way), Lightning Storm, Hex and Volcano) maybe combined with Bloodmage Thalnos, but also because there are key spells to get a massive value out of your minions : Ancestral Spirit of course, Spirit Echo and the spellstone.
Crushing Hand is in the deck because of the return of Sea Giant and because a lot of decks contain The Lich King and Mountain Giant. It’s also nice to destroy Doomguard, Stormwind Champion in Odd Paladin or Edwin VanCleef (even though this one isn’t played a lot now).
Stormforged Axe is pretty nice in early game, it gives also a little bit of overload so it’s welcome in the deck. Healing Rain is great, nothing really surprising to find it here. You also find Sandbinder because it’s very good in the deck, you’ll draw Earth Elementals and Snowfury Giants thanks to it.
That’s it for the explanations, I hope you’ll try and enjoy the list. Thanks for reading !
You will find with this link my other version of the deck with elementals :
Alternative / Elemental version of the deck is uploaded ! Give me your thoughts on this
Nice one, though i feel like every shaman overload seek to play the giants for free, and IMO it weigthens on the deck. Except for the arcanic ones whose discount was pretty easy with the spells you rarely play the other ones for free and at least you dont intend to do so.
Actually in a control oriented deck, playing only overload spells you can play the giants for 4 and had some more elemental synergies…
Moreover, silences are in the meta and the minions of this deck are taunts, meaning if they are silenced you’ok get immediate damages and will lose so much tempo the next turn (such dont apply for doomsayer, although they get trade they played a taunt role).
Cuddos for building this one, truly it’s a pleasure not to see only cubelocks and dudes players
Thanks for your feedback I appreciate a lot
As you said, silences are a real pain especially for Earth Elemental, this is why this is not a top tier deck, I still hesitate for the addition of Doomsayer but I don’t wont the deck to be a full passive control deck until you get the giants, the list can still evolve, I’m working on an alternative version with more elementals, will be uploaded asap!
What if u face cube cube is faster than this i think
It’s kind of 50/50 and depends on whether you can wipe/Hex enough of their things. One of the bigger problems I’ve had with Cubelock (and Control-lock for that matter) is the fact that it’s troubling when you Ancestral Spirit onto an Earth Elemental and they just copy it with a Faceless Manipulator :/. Makes a huge tempo swing in their favor and practically guarantees them the win. On the flip-side though, if you can stick one of those copies of Earth Elemental+Ancestral Spirit and subsequently make 2-3 copies of it with Spellstone, then you’re pretty much in the clear to win the game.
The issues with Cubelock are of course the fact that without Hex you can’t win, but Cubelock struggles a lot with the board you can build up because it doesn’t run Twisting Nether, so I agree with the 50/50, I have a positive win rate against Cube but it can also be a stomp when you have no answers. Cube can be faster and will be faster most of the time, but if you mulligan Hex, then you can easily shut down the first plays and gain advantage with Giants and Ancestral Spirit.
Hello! Love the deck design – I’ve been eyeballing Overload Shaman as a fun deck to play for a while, and I might finally give this build a shot. Quick question though: have you considered Cube for the deck, and if not then is there a reason you haven’t? Is it because of silencing effects in the meta, or is it too slow?
I already released a deck list with the cubes before the new expansion, you can check the following link
The issue about the cubes is that the whole time it’s in your hand without any target, it’s a dead card (as in cubelock but warlock has a lot of things to play and more tools to accelerate the summoning of the minions supposed to be eaten by the cubes). I had a lot of fun with this list but it appeared to be really weak, I didn’t try it in the new meta but as you said, nearly every deck runs one or two silences so it’s really risky and most of the time it will be shut down by a spellbreaker. Thanks for the feedback also !
Winning with this deck is so satisfying and fun! Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you I appreciate !
Isn’t spirit echo + ancestral spirit somehow redundant ? That’s a total of 4 cards which will likely be dead in very agressive matchups, which is probably what this deck struggles against. Also, have you considered adding doomsayer against aggro ?
These spells are the basis of the deck, it’s around these cards that you want to play, in several pro decks they were played in 2 copies and I didn’t feel like it was absolutely useless while playing. But it can happen they are useless in some match-ups so I’ll reconsider the possibility to play only one Spirit Echo. I tried Doomsayer but it has become very easy to take down, for Dude Paladin it’s not so useful by the fact it can generate a board very easily, I didn’t find the doomsayer useful enough. That’s still a card you can add for sure!