General Mulligans
When trying to mulligan for this deck, you're trying to get stuff that'll help you draw your combo pieces (Snowfury Giant into Ancestral Spirit into Maxed Spellstone).
Lightning Bolt is early damage that helps you clear away early threats.
Mana Tide Totem is a free draw at the end of every turn.
Far Sight is a draw that helps cut costs too.
Acolyte of Pain lets you put a minion onto the board while still drawing cards (with its effect).
Aggro Mulligans
Aggro is gonna be annoying. Get your hands on early clears.
Earth Shock isn't that good for its damage. It's the silence we're after.
Lightning Bolt is early clear and helps a lot.
Acolyte gives you a minion to work with and maintains card draw potential.
Lightning Storm is here for you in case things go awry and you need to clear your opponent's board.
Midrange Mulligans
Against another midrange deck, try and beat them fast. Get to your combo before they get to theirs.
Lightning Bolt is early damage to hider your opponent and help fill your Spellstone.
Crushing Hand is great for filling Spellstone and is a ton of early damage. Just keep this if you drew a Spellstone already.
Acolyte of Pain is an early draw mechanic. Use it to try and draw a Spellstone instead of specifically trying to mulligan for one.
Mana Tide Totem is a free card at the end of your turn.
Combo Mulligans
Combo decks are...dear lord help me.
Earth Shock is important for the silence. Imagine seeing a turn 4 10/10 Edwin van Cleef! This will solve it.
Crushing Hand lets you get rid of early big mobs such as Edwin van Cleef. It can also help later against stuff like Voidlords.
Lightning Bolt is just early clear.
Acolyte of Pain helps you draw easier in the early game while keeping a minion on board.
Drakkari Defender is a nice taunt that helps upgrade your Spellstone too.
Control Mulligans
This deck is not a fast deck, I'll admit that much. Granted, it's not meant to go into a fifty-turn game or anything, but still.
Lightning Bolt is early clear.
Far Sight is a cheap draw.
Acolyte of Pain gives you a minion and card draw potential.
Mana Tide Totem is a free card draw.
Taking Spellstone early can help you start to reduce its cost earlier. This lets you get your combo out earlier as well, which ends the game faster. This is a midrange deck, after all.
Hello there!
My name is SkyStrike, a casual Hearthstone player. I am completely F2P, and I orient my decks towards my fellow F2P players. This is a Shaman deck that I’ve been dabbling with at the recommendation of some of my friends. Just make a board full of Snowfury Giants and pray that the opponent Priest doesn’t have a Mass Dispel. Let me run through a few of the card choices here really quickly for you.
This deck is expensive thanks to some of the cards such as Hagatha the Witch and Earth Elemental. However, be sure not to replace them! They are really important!
Some people have asked me about including a Zap! in this deck for early game instead of Lightning Bolt. Though I’d personally still recommend Lightning Bolt, ultimately it’s your deck. Just remember that the 1 damage makes a huge difference!
Save your Lesser Sapphire Spellstones and your Ancestral Spirits for the Snowfury Giants and Earth Elementals. Just trust me. It may seem like common sense but sadly, sometimes it isn’t.
What cards should not be replaced? Here are a few examples (some of which are obvious, but still, you never know!): Lesser Sapphire Spellstone Snowfury Giant Ancestral Spirit Mana Tide Totem.
With all that said, I hope I answered some of your questions. Feel free to post suggestions below (if I like any a lot, I’ll edit them in or something, we’ll see). Please give the deck a try in Play Mode (give it a game or two outside of ranked to get the hang of it first). Thanks!
Classes to watch out for:
Ppffft…silences? Shut up, Priest . No seriously, please stop. Be careful of Silences and Mass Dispels, as well as the neutral cards Ironbeak Owl and Spellbreaker. Also beware of Mind Control.
Screw your Polymorphs. Also remember the neutral cards Ironbeak Owl and Spellbreaker.
“I hate mirror matches.” – The Lich King
No but seriously, watch out for Hex. Also remember the neutral cards Ironbeak Owl and Spellbreaker.