Reached Legend with this fun deck.
Use Dire Frenzy onto Young Dragonhawk .
Tundra Rhino into all your buffed Young Dragonhawk .
Reached Legend with this fun deck.
Use Dire Frenzy onto Young Dragonhawk .
Tundra Rhino into all your buffed Young Dragonhawk .
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Congrats on Legend!
How many games did you win with the actual OTK combo, and how many simply by DK Rexxar shenanigans or Oondasta swing turns?
I would say half for each, it really depends on your matchups as well.
Have you tried using Witchwood Piper to pull the Dragon Hawks as well? It’s your smallest minion so it’ll always hit.
Yes I have tried it, but I like Tol’Vir Warden more, because you can draw 2 dragonhawks instead of 1.
I’ve played 14 games with this deck and only won 3 (rank 5). The only change I made since I don’t have oondasta is an amani war bear (since I don’t have it). This deck relies a lot on a stall and lucky draw and just doesn’t seem to be working out for me
Ya I suppose, its not the best deck out there. Maybe I just got lucky who knows
What’s Oondasta’s purpose besides value from DK Rexxar?
Nothing else lol, I just like that card for its quick removal and late game value, it can be replaced for sure.
I must admit this is quite a fun deck.
Of course
Hahaha I love the idea ! Did you actually get to legend with this ?? Nice job ! Where di you start from ?
Yup, started off at rank 2 4 stars lol. Not the craziest climb but a really fun one.
Those card spots are pretty flexible.
Doomsayer can be replaced by any anti-aggro board clear card (aka a second Unleash The Hounds)
Oondasta can be replaced by any late game card.
Replacements for Oondasta and Doomsayer?