From time to time it can be a worthy 1-drop to tempo out a secret and/or buff your Manawyrm in turn 1 if you are on the coin. But Warlock, Mage and Rogue will destroy it when it’s their turn.
Orange wrote this on his Twitter: “Always keep Aluneth, Mana Wyrm and Arcanologist regardless of matchup. If your hand synergises with itself (ex Apprentice, coin, glyph or kirin tor, secret, runner) you keep such hands, basicly try to have a plan with your opener. Corridor Creeper is a weird one that you keep whenever you have a decent opener already (as in already have Wyrm or Arca) but a mulligan when the rest of the hand is bad. Frostbolt is a keep vs aggresive decks. Hope it helps”
What would be a good replacement for the creeper since it’s getting nerfed to death in a few days? Thinking of Raven Familiar, Volcanic Potion, Medivh, Ethereal Arcanist or Cobalt Scalebane?
Start with bittertide. I ran a list before creeper became so dominant that had 2x bittertide instead. But treat it as a flex spot from there because the meta WILL be changing a lot in the coming weeks. There may be better options by then. So if you don’t have bittertide, I’d probably wait on crafting them.
Im stuck at rank 17ish with this deck, I really really love playing it, so I want to keep trying to push until I learn it better I guess, I have been playing for 2 months so I of course struggle just because I do not know all opponents cards yet. Anyhow I have a few questions that might help:
1. Should I save cards and go for power spikes, or is it better to play fast and hit with whatever possible? (example: Play Mana Wyrm even tho I can’t play a spell afterwards to boost it? // play Kabal Lackey even tho I have no secret to play?, etc etc)
2. Should I take my chances and go for face dmg, and hope to kill them before they get their game up? Or play safer and kill off minions, and wait to finish the opponent with Pyroblast for example?
3. Are some cards used for combos and not just to be played? (I’m wondering about Kabal Lackey and Sourcerers Apprentice for example, should I save the Kabals only to make secrets cheaper? And do I play Sourerers Apprentice for any special spells, or just to make everything cheaper fast and gain tempo?
I’d really appreciate any help! Much much love to ya’ll //Chill
feel free to add me, #chill2140 (EU servers)
I run a variant of this at rank 10 the big problem right now is that value is in every deck. Druid gains more armor than warrior, warlock heals more than priest, hell even mage gains more armor than warrior at times with arcane artificer, there was a game where I had 45 armor… So secret mage is all about the big tempo plays, you always wanna play mana wurm turn 1, I run only 1 lackey to make a secret cost 1 and get a body, but its by no means a great opener. Save your counterspells for the big spells, free from amber, ultimate infestation, dragonfire potion, if you know what they are likely to play next turn you can counter them accordingly. Cobalt Scalebane gets rekt by explosive rune every time. Best case scenario you open up with mana wyrm, turn 2 glyph into a value card, turn 3 either AI or play kirin Tor mage with a a secret to use medivh’s valet.
Okay thanks man, I’m a huge fan of Arcane Artificer, what would you swap them with from this deck? It would be cool to see your build mate, I’m trying different builds but cannot find one that beats all the aggro decks at rank 16ish
Wondering if the pyroblast is worth keeping.. i mean.. i think this deck is supposed to end the Match earlier than turn 10… I have only recently started playing secret tempo Mage tho, so take my comment with a grain of salt
Yes pyroblast is a great Card as a 1 of. think of it like this, you want to do 20 damage over the course of 10 turns after turn 10 you either start to fizzle out or deck out if you played aluneth pyroblast is that close you need to get over the finish line. So count the damage 6 from frost bolt, 12 from fireballs, 10 from firelands portals, maybe 6 in total from explosive rune that’s 34 damage you can do with spells alone. But if you trade minions with your spells that’s not as much face damage as you want. id rather fight 20 health and leave the rest to a pyroblast than find a way to 30 its won me plenty of games, use it. Mine is Gold
I am enjoying this deck winning at a good % except against warlock and priest. Any substitute suggestions for CC ?…I started playing in Aug and almost on a budget I chose to stick with mage until I reach a high rank but if feels like mage has been outmatched for some time.
Considering its an aggro/tempo based deck, i dont think the mage dk really fits in this, considering when the turn comes when you can use it, youll most likely have to play minions and/or remove your opponents minions/burn his face, the only thing the dk does would be gaining 5 armor and the summon of a 3/6 with lifesteal and a 9 mana 3/6 is pretty bad (even with the lifesteal and armor gain) in a tempo deck. the deck also has no elementals, and considering how late youre gonna be playing it, the hero power most likely wont find a target to kill so you couldnt get another elemental.
On a side note, its worth to try, you could replace the firelands portal with it i suppose.
Personally i’ve tried with and without Aluneth. I feel it’s an important card in the deck, it gives me a big boost in hand refills after spamming all my secrets/minions. I started winning a lot of games due to its addition.
Without Aluneth it’s just OK, with Aluneth it’s awesome.
i decided to use some techs in that spot, breath of sindragosa or arcane missiles for anti aggro and a spellbreaker for big minions taunts when i need to push face damage
i think this list still plays well but i could see that being a problem sometimes. you can remove the lackeys and sub in AI if that does end up being an issue over multiple games anyways.
Orange wrote this on his Twitter: “Always keep Aluneth, Mana Wyrm and Arcanologist regardless of matchup. If your hand synergises with itself (ex Apprentice, coin, glyph or kirin tor, secret, runner) you keep such hands, basicly try to have a plan with your opener. Corridor Creeper is a weird one that you keep whenever you have a decent opener already (as in already have Wyrm or Arca) but a mulligan when the rest of the hand is bad. Frostbolt is a keep vs aggresive decks. Hope it helps”
is kabal lacky worth mulligan ?
From time to time it can be a worthy 1-drop to tempo out a secret and/or buff your Manawyrm in turn 1 if you are on the coin. But Warlock, Mage and Rogue will destroy it when it’s their turn.
Orange wrote this on his Twitter: “Always keep Aluneth, Mana Wyrm and Arcanologist regardless of matchup. If your hand synergises with itself (ex Apprentice, coin, glyph or kirin tor, secret, runner) you keep such hands, basicly try to have a plan with your opener. Corridor Creeper is a weird one that you keep whenever you have a decent opener already (as in already have Wyrm or Arca) but a mulligan when the rest of the hand is bad. Frostbolt is a keep vs aggresive decks. Hope it helps”
Ok cool
Thanks a lot!
What would be a good replacement for the creeper since it’s getting nerfed to death in a few days? Thinking of Raven Familiar, Volcanic Potion, Medivh, Ethereal Arcanist or Cobalt Scalebane?
Think I’ll go with a Volcanic Potion to counter Hunter & Murloc Pala and a Spellbreaker/Doomsayer combo.
Start with bittertide. I ran a list before creeper became so dominant that had 2x bittertide instead. But treat it as a flex spot from there because the meta WILL be changing a lot in the coming weeks. There may be better options by then. So if you don’t have bittertide, I’d probably wait on crafting them.
I swapped corridor for 1 poly and one Ethereal … works pretty well. Thinking of adding another Ethereal and remove the poly.
Im stuck at rank 17ish with this deck, I really really love playing it, so I want to keep trying to push until I learn it better I guess, I have been playing for 2 months so I of course struggle just because I do not know all opponents cards yet. Anyhow I have a few questions that might help:
1. Should I save cards and go for power spikes, or is it better to play fast and hit with whatever possible? (example: Play Mana Wyrm even tho I can’t play a spell afterwards to boost it? // play Kabal Lackey even tho I have no secret to play?, etc etc)
2. Should I take my chances and go for face dmg, and hope to kill them before they get their game up? Or play safer and kill off minions, and wait to finish the opponent with Pyroblast for example?
3. Are some cards used for combos and not just to be played? (I’m wondering about Kabal Lackey and Sourcerers Apprentice for example, should I save the Kabals only to make secrets cheaper? And do I play Sourerers Apprentice for any special spells, or just to make everything cheaper fast and gain tempo?
I’d really appreciate any help! Much much love to ya’ll //Chill
feel free to add me, #chill2140 (EU servers)
I run a variant of this at rank 10 the big problem right now is that value is in every deck. Druid gains more armor than warrior, warlock heals more than priest, hell even mage gains more armor than warrior at times with arcane artificer, there was a game where I had 45 armor… So secret mage is all about the big tempo plays, you always wanna play mana wurm turn 1, I run only 1 lackey to make a secret cost 1 and get a body, but its by no means a great opener. Save your counterspells for the big spells, free from amber, ultimate infestation, dragonfire potion, if you know what they are likely to play next turn you can counter them accordingly. Cobalt Scalebane gets rekt by explosive rune every time. Best case scenario you open up with mana wyrm, turn 2 glyph into a value card, turn 3 either AI or play kirin Tor mage with a a secret to use medivh’s valet.
Okay thanks man, I’m a huge fan of Arcane Artificer, what would you swap them with from this deck? It would be cool to see your build mate, I’m trying different builds but cannot find one that beats all the aggro decks at rank 16ish
Thanks /chill
Wondering if the pyroblast is worth keeping.. i mean.. i think this deck is supposed to end the Match earlier than turn 10… I have only recently started playing secret tempo Mage tho, so take my comment with a grain of salt
Yes pyroblast is a great Card as a 1 of. think of it like this, you want to do 20 damage over the course of 10 turns after turn 10 you either start to fizzle out or deck out if you played aluneth pyroblast is that close you need to get over the finish line. So count the damage 6 from frost bolt, 12 from fireballs, 10 from firelands portals, maybe 6 in total from explosive rune that’s 34 damage you can do with spells alone. But if you trade minions with your spells that’s not as much face damage as you want. id rather fight 20 health and leave the rest to a pyroblast than find a way to 30 its won me plenty of games, use it. Mine is Gold
I am enjoying this deck winning at a good % except against warlock and priest. Any substitute suggestions for CC ?…I started playing in Aug and almost on a budget I chose to stick with mage until I reach a high rank but if feels like mage has been outmatched for some time.
How do you beat fast aggro decks?
Is there any chance to slide mage death knight into this deck? If yes should it be replaced with that?
Considering its an aggro/tempo based deck, i dont think the mage dk really fits in this, considering when the turn comes when you can use it, youll most likely have to play minions and/or remove your opponents minions/burn his face, the only thing the dk does would be gaining 5 armor and the summon of a 3/6 with lifesteal and a 9 mana 3/6 is pretty bad (even with the lifesteal and armor gain) in a tempo deck. the deck also has no elementals, and considering how late youre gonna be playing it, the hero power most likely wont find a target to kill so you couldnt get another elemental.
On a side note, its worth to try, you could replace the firelands portal with it i suppose.
Is aluneth required for this deck I don’t have it and struggle against this deck with most of mine and is very frustrating trying to push past rank 10
Personally i’ve tried with and without Aluneth. I feel it’s an important card in the deck, it gives me a big boost in hand refills after spamming all my secrets/minions. I started winning a lot of games due to its addition.
Without Aluneth it’s just OK, with Aluneth it’s awesome.
This deck is awesome. Super fun. MAGESMASH! MAGESMASH!
how can i replace vallets?
i use mirror entity
i decided to use some techs in that spot, breath of sindragosa or arcane missiles for anti aggro and a spellbreaker for big minions taunts when i need to push face damage
Potion of Polymorph destroys the big plays of Warlock right now surprised it’s not made it to the deck yet.
because its not the solution for the matchup.
Isn’t the lack of arcane intellect a problem? If you have a bad draw and don’t get aluneth you are screwed with this list
i think this list still plays well but i could see that being a problem sometimes. you can remove the lackeys and sub in AI if that does end up being an issue over multiple games anyways.
any mulligan guide for this? thanks!
Orange wrote this on his Twitter: “Always keep Aluneth, Mana Wyrm and Arcanologist regardless of matchup. If your hand synergises with itself (ex Apprentice, coin, glyph or kirin tor, secret, runner) you keep such hands, basicly try to have a plan with your opener. Corridor Creeper is a weird one that you keep whenever you have a decent opener already (as in already have Wyrm or Arca) but a mulligan when the rest of the hand is bad. Frostbolt is a keep vs aggresive decks. Hope it helps”
wow thanks man, thats exactly what i needed.
here you can watch the master at work….he explains everything he plays
Keep either Mana Wyrm or Arcanologist and go for one of the two combos below, or both at the same time if luck is on your draw.
Mana Wyrm (turn 1) + Frostbolt (turn 2)
Arcanologist (turn 2) + Kirin Tor Mage + either a free Explosive Runes or Counterspell (turn 3) puts some decks in their place after turn 3.