Open The Waygate GIENTS OTK Mage

Class: Mage - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-37 - Style: ladder

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Strategy for the game:

1) We carry out the task [Open the Waygate]

2) Doing [Arcane Giants] 0 or 2 mana (we have 26-28+ spells in the deck)

3) Doing [Molten Giants] for 0 or 2 mana ([IceBlock’s] and freeze helps)

 It is necessary that the total number of giants be 5 mana

4) Make [Time Warp] to make an extra move. We put 4 giants. We finish the move, and immediately on the next we inflict 32 damage to the opponent (5-9 mana) 

If the opponent has more health than the combination does, I think you always have additional damage from the hand because there is a large amount of spell excavation in the deck. But still you can save the [Fire ball] if you did not find anything

Done! Gl Hf with this deck.

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