General Mulligans
Just go for the normal "Lackey Rogue" type of start, it's pretty solid.
Aggro Mulligans
Against aggro you want to fight for board control; FoK and Thalnos are OK if it's looking a bit Murloc-y...
Control Mulligans
Walk the Plank against Priest. Witchwood Piper and Gnomish Inventor both thin your deck and are decent targets for Witchy Lackeys (or Titanic Lackeys at a push, 2/6 taunt is OK) - only keep them if you've got EVIL Miscreant.

This is not a sensible deck – it doesn’t work … often … but that moment when your opponent realises they’re about to face Highkeeper Ra – totally worth it. Even more so if the DON’T realise there’s gonna be two of him!
The setup – and it’s a biggy:
- 1x Myra's Unstable Element (or an empty deck)
- 1x Mogu Cultist
- 1x Shadowstep
- 2x Shadow of Death
- 1x Faceless Manipulator (if your opponent has more than 20 health)
Firstly empty your deck and throw everything on your board into opponent’s minions to kill your own stuff off – you need an empty board for this to work. Or drop a Doomsayer and hope for the best.
Play Mogu Cultist then Shadow of Death x2 on it.
Shadowstep the Cultist back into your hand and end the turn – hopefully you’ll survive.
Next turn each Shadow of Death summons a Mogu Cultist giving you 6 on the board and a 0-mana Cultist in hand – play that and TA DAAAA! Highkeeper RA! … if your opponent has > 20 health, play Faceless Manipulator >:)
Note: if your opponent has 20 or less health it’s possible to OTK if you’ve got Prep and Shiv in hand – after Shadowstepping the Cultist back to your hand, you just Prep -> Shiv to draw a card… which will pull all 6 shadow cultists. Replay the one you Shadowstepped to summon Ra!