This deck has actually been performing pretty well for me on wild ladder.
OTK Combo:
1) Get a Snowfall Graveyard up the turn before, or with prep for x2 deathrattle procs
2) Play Spiritsinger Umbra
3) Play Naval Mine
4) Destroy the Naval Mine with a Ravenous Kraken
The result is you play the naval mine, it instantly procs from Umbra dealing 2×4 for 8 damage, then when you kill it with Ravenous Kraken you proc the deathrattle again for another 2×4 for 8 damage. Then the Kraken’s deathrattle procs summoning both dealing another 8 damage as they are summoned totaling 32 damage with 3 cards. You can increase this by 8 if you add another naval mine, and 24 if you have an additional Kraken.
Deck Tips:
-Mulligan anything that isn’t early game minions or draw spells, your goal is to play two rotten rodents before drawing your combo minions. This allows you to pull it off as early as turn 5 with Krakens costing 1 mana, and mines being free.
-Play a snowfall graveyard early for draw. Often I found myself holding the graveyard for the OTK, if you can confirmed get an additional draw by playing it, I’ve found it’s better to start cycling quickly. It’s also a great defensive tool to proc some additional healing against aggro.
-If you’re struggling badly against pirate rogue/rush I’ve found dropping loot horder & madscientist for an additional mistress of mixtures or death’s head cultist can sway things in your favor. Also graveyard ends up being a great defensive tool to double these heal effects. The anti-aggro version for me is usually -2 loot hoarder -1 mad scientist +1 mistress of mixtures +2 death’s head cultist, can also swap a ghostly strike for an additional fan of knives.