Odd Rogue [Wild – July 2018 – Legendary]

Class: Rogue - Format: wild - Type: aggro - Season: season-52 - Style: ladder

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Hi all ! 

Here is my version of the powerfull wild odd Rogue deck. I leveled to legendary from rank 5 (previous season) in 19 days (I’m not a pro and in fact never bought any card in the game, just freeplaying since almost 4 years).

The “best” deck in wild format right now is odd Paladdin, however, Pally is too weak against slow and control decks, and trust me there are a lot of Priest, warlocks and Druids around.

This version of Rogue is capable of winning almost every match up due to it’s lightening speed and mid-game momentum cards (5 manas) like Vilespine Slayer, Dark Iron Skulker or even Leeroy. It can easily kill in turn 5.

A quick overview of the deck :

T1 : Best draw is Buccaner. Brings back Patches + in turn 2 you can 3 atk opponent or board. Second best play according to MU is Swashburglar, firefly, or even Southsea Deckhand if opponent is not mage or druid. Remember to keep 1 mana cards to trigger Vilespine Slayer in mid game !

T2: If you have coin, Vicious Fledgling/Southsea Captain/Hench-Clan Thug/Si:7 agent in that order. If no coin, usually just hero power, or invoke more 1 mana Pirates before T3 captain. Keep Argent Horseriders until you have Cold Blood, in most MU this is a winning move.

T3 : same as T2 with coin lol Keep ironbeak howl for ending the game or really use it when you can push your advantage in such a way that victory is 95% yours.

T4+ : just manage the board and remember to always check if a killing blow can be performed, no matter the board. if you cannot kill, do not go for gambling scenario, just overboard your opponent and wait a few more turns to get victory. Bucanneer gives you +1Atk (+2Atk if both are onboard) this really makes a huge difference, don’t forget that : it’s still an excellent draw even in mid-game.

Two fans of knives may seem excessive, but it performs really great VS Pally, and in other MU it just enables you to draw that extra card and make the difference. Headcrack is great when your hand is empty, it bypasses defensive minions.

1 dark iron skulker is enough, in fact, it is really usefull against shaman, not really against pally because of divine shield options, but better than nothing. It only does 2 damage so vs secret hunter you cannot counter the spell invoking 3/3 wolves.

Once again, this Deck doesn’t have a particular bad or Nemesis Matchup, I had troubles against Jade/Heavy armor Druids but they rely on draw chance and can be killed before they macro you out.

Easy matchups are vs Priest and Kingsbane Rogues, these archetypes are really to slow to wistand the fury of odd rogue but sometimes you too may be out of luck and eventually loose.

50%/50% against odd pally, you loose if they have divine shield cards as you cannot deal multiple damage within the same turn.

60%/40% against even Shaman, devolve or other spell can bring you trouble, otherwise if you have Vilespine you should manage without too much trouble.

I hope you will enjoy playing this really awesome deck ! It has only 3 legendary cards, but they are mandatory.

Docteur N.

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