Obelisk Baku Priest (OP)

Class: Priest - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-122 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Always keep your quest card. Most low-cost cards are perfect for staying in your hand. Both Razas provide too much value to not stay in hand. (I'm greedy okay)

This deck has an incredibly restrictive amount of build limitations. 

No duplicates, even cards, and you must have 40 cards.

Because of this, the deck is jank and uses some cards that would not be considered “viable” in a modern obelisk priest deck. (examples: Iridescent Gyreworm, Quartz elemental, and Apotheosis.)

It can go super saiyan with both Raza cards and has a relatively safe early game with Baku’s hero power boost and an extra 10 health off-rip. This deck wants to do obelisk things and hold solid control over the board.

Issues with this deck (aside from what has been previously mentioned):

*Can have rough draws and tends to burn cards because of “over-value” cards like The Sunwell.

*Struggles significantly against other extreme value priest decks. I have some cards to avoid giving them value through killing their minions, but a 40-card odd-cost deck only has access to so much non-destroying removal.

If you’re reading this and want to make this deck, some cards here only exist for value’s sake and value’s sake only, so I’d recommend avoiding Yogg and Aman’thul if you don’t own them. (I just happen to own them). Put in some higher synergy cards if you have any.

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  1. Mom - Author
    May 13, 2024 at 1:15 PM

    *Struggles significantly against other extreme value priest decks. I have some cards to avoid giving them value through **removing** their minions, but a 40-card odd-cost deck only has access to so much non-destroying removal.