General Mulligans
Secrets are essential to control the early game and have a strong board around turn 5. Keep the DK against aggro decks because in such match-up this card provides an AoE which is way too important to survive (if you don’t have the DK you can add Doomsayer).
This deck was inspired by another one published a few days ago by SUPISUPOSI on this website, I really liked the idea of the deck which is to have Master Oakheart summoning Tundra Rhino with Stoneskin Basilisk (or Timber Wolf) and Vicious Fledgling so they have charge. This is really interesting and judging from the games I played with this deck it’s really valuable and can win the game easily from the moment Vicious Fledgling gains Windfury. I wanted to upload my version because it appeared that the other was less optimized and required some changes (that’s only in order to propose a stronger deck don’t take this as an insult).
This version is more “control-oriented” whereas the original was a kind of hybrid/midrange, first of all because I have rather playing control decks and also because the recent nerfs’ announcement let me the opportunity to remove Corridor Creepers and Bonemare from the original version. Maybe that Creepers will still be good in hunter archetype with the synergy of Houndmaster but right now I chose to remove them.
I hope you will enjoy this deck, I recommend to try it if you like fun decks and also check SUPISUPOSI’s deck
Pretty good deck for me so far. Unfortunately, I win so soon that I haven’t even played Oakheart yet.
Thanks for the feedback! Oakheart will come dont worry
Yeah sure it has a pretty good winrate! From the moment you get the DK you dont even need to draw. Thus Hunter decks often dont even run draw cards (except Tracking sometimes)
Did it work even without any draw ?