White Walkers (N’Zoth Control Paladin)

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-26 - Style: ladder

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I think the N’Zoth Control Paladin is one of the most powerful with the new extension.

This Deck is heavily focused on board Control and just plays a few Deathrattle minions, but powerful enough to insure the win once you play N’Zoth.

The 3 key cards in this deck compared with similar deck lists are Redemption, Abomination and Chillmaw. Abomination will give headaches  to most of the new Aggro Decks that usually can’t survive the 2 damage.

Then if possible try to play Chillmaw or Tirion one turn later with Redemption (or Redemption one turn earlier). Your opponent will then have to kill them twice, and you’ll get a double copy when playing N’Zoth.

Cairn Bloodhoof is mainly here to insure that you still have a minion after a Brawl or Twisting Nether.

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