The deck features the new Hunter Legendary Princess Huhuran to trigger some high value deathrattles such as those of Sylvanas Windrunner, Cairne Bloodhoof and your Savannah Highmane. Double Hunter's Mark has been added to deal with all the taunts you’ll be facing in the new meta. You can also refill your hand using Infest on an established board or with Unleash the Hounds or Snake Trap. Finally the deck also features King's Elekk and Polluted Hoarder to dig through your deck for N'Zoth, The Corruptor, which can be used as a late game tool to swing the game around should you fall behind.
P.S This is just a theory craft I have not played this deck as I don’t have all the cards. Feel free to test it out and let me know how you go. Cheers!
and carine bloodhoofe
reppament for princess huhuran