General Mulligans
No real mulligans, just try and get good value at the beginning, stabilize and after that you're pretty much set.
Note: This is not a competitive deck (well it could be :)). It’s more for fun and to annoy your opponent.
Well, well well. I’m not going to write too much on it, as the cards are pretty much self explanatory.
The goal of the deck is to steal ‘good’ cards from you opponent using things like Mind Vision, Thoughtsteal, Shadow Madness, Shifting Shade, Entomb, Cabal Shadow Priest, Sylvanas Windrunner, Nefarian and of course Mind Control. Obviously we would need to keep board control and some of the above mentioned cards aid in this, but we do have others like Excavated Evil and Holy Nova.
The deck also runs Justicar Trueheart just for that extra heal. In terms of minions for the deck, you’ll have a few from your opponent, plus some RNG from Forbidden Shaping (best at 8 mana).
Yes there’s still more to this deck, it also has it’s semi OTK for 20 damage = Emperor Thaurissan + Prophet Velen + Mind Blast + Mind Blast. This can actually win you the game in most cases.
Since we play quite a few spells, Yogg-Saron, Hope's End will be our last resort when all else fails or just to put us back in the game.
Well that’s about it, hope you enjoy the deck 🙂