A 3-mana 2/2 that makes two 1/1s when it dies is great, especially since you can hit it with Hound Master first for four tokens every now and then. It’s like a Haunted Creeper with a bit of extra potential.
This deck is a fine Face Hunter list, no more or less “garbage” than any other.
What about scavenging hyena?
I agree, rat pack in this deck with 0 buffs or ways to take advantage of the minion makes 0 sense.
I think this deck is garbage.
A 3-mana 2/2 that makes two 1/1s when it dies is great, especially since you can hit it with Hound Master first for four tokens every now and then. It’s like a Haunted Creeper with a bit of extra potential.
This deck is a fine Face Hunter list, no more or less “garbage” than any other.
4 cards are require to be buffed and only 2 buffs in deck for them. Seriously?
They aren’t meant to be buffed. They’re abilities synergies wig face Hunter w/o buffing them.