Been fun to try, but kind of hard to win…? Against a lot of decks my only hope was to survive until I drew my entire deck, then hope my opponent has 6 or more cards in his hand, or has 15 or less health to be milled to death. It was frustrating when finally I could pull off the togwaggle combo(removing opponent’s deck but couldn’t OTK him), I would not have mana to deal with the threats on board and
would lose on the next turn. Sometimes I had to use naturalize on a big threat to survive, greatly narrowing my win condition. Sometimes my UIs were all sinking at bottom and opponent drew even faster than me lol
Anyway it was a fun experience to (try to) pilot the deck. Better if I could win a game after activating the togwaggle combo
A lot of people seem to be really confused about how to play the deck. Most people are only seeing the first version of the combo, but there is definitely two ways.
1. They have 6-9 cards, 1-2x Naturalize to 10 cards, Toggwaggle and they have an empty deck and no swap back.
2. Your deck is empty, you play Toggwaggle then 2x Naturalize. This deals 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 damage to them.
Of course #2 requires you do 15 damage to them first (or after). This deck seems to be primarily anti-aggro with a combo to beat control.
Do not waste dust to make TogWaggle now , this deck is horrible. People are on to it already and never keep more than 5 cards in their hand if they see u not playing threats…so in the end you cant burn the swap-back card and u will always lose vs control
This deck is terrible. Idk how Nostam won any games up in the high legend ranks with this. Any time I have the combo the opponent either has too much board presence for it to even matter or their hands are empty, or at least not full enough for the combo to work.
how do you fill your opponents hand if naturalize is the only card to make your opponent draw? most decks other than warlock will always have plenty of room in their hand before they discard anything.
I made some games with this and it worked pretty well, I’m currently at 6-0 (all games top 500 legend)
Against aggro decks you just have to play your AoEs, control the board and win by cleaning all the resources your opponent develops.
Against control just don’t play anything except there is such a huge threat and try to draw most as possible. Then when your deck is empty, Naturalize x2 to fill up your opponen’ts hand (he will certainly have 6 cards or / in his hand since he has a bunch of dead cards cuz you haven’t played any target for his spells), summon Togwaggle => he doesn’t get the spell and can’t swap the decks and you win thx to fatigue.
playing with baron geddon , 1 drakkari enchanter, and and 2 forest guides really helps me pull through.
*(why has no one mentioned the forest guides)
why no Forest Guide?
maybe u should bring azalina soulthief too. so, u can copy randsom spell n steal the deck forever.
Been fun to try, but kind of hard to win…? Against a lot of decks my only hope was to survive until I drew my entire deck, then hope my opponent has 6 or more cards in his hand, or has 15 or less health to be milled to death. It was frustrating when finally I could pull off the togwaggle combo(removing opponent’s deck but couldn’t OTK him), I would not have mana to deal with the threats on board and
would lose on the next turn. Sometimes I had to use naturalize on a big threat to survive, greatly narrowing my win condition. Sometimes my UIs were all sinking at bottom and opponent drew even faster than me lol
Anyway it was a fun experience to (try to) pilot the deck. Better if I could win a game after activating the togwaggle combo
A lot of people seem to be really confused about how to play the deck. Most people are only seeing the first version of the combo, but there is definitely two ways.
1. They have 6-9 cards, 1-2x Naturalize to 10 cards, Toggwaggle and they have an empty deck and no swap back.
2. Your deck is empty, you play Toggwaggle then 2x Naturalize. This deals 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 damage to them.
Of course #2 requires you do 15 damage to them first (or after). This deck seems to be primarily anti-aggro with a combo to beat control.
So many witchwood cards
This deck with Azalina Soulthief and Twig of the World Tree can work even without your opponent having 10 cards in hand.
Do not waste dust to make TogWaggle now , this deck is horrible. People are on to it already and never keep more than 5 cards in their hand if they see u not playing threats…so in the end you cant burn the swap-back card and u will always lose vs control
This deck is terrible. Idk how Nostam won any games up in the high legend ranks with this. Any time I have the combo the opponent either has too much board presence for it to even matter or their hands are empty, or at least not full enough for the combo to work.
Its a deck that requires alot of skill… lol. Try playing more than 100 games with it before you complain
Is the only win condition is to get to fatigue first then use Togwaggle/Naturalize?
You burn throught your deck, fill up the opponents hand play toggwaggle and he gets an empty deck and has no trade back because of full hand
how do you fill your opponents hand if naturalize is the only card to make your opponent draw? most decks other than warlock will always have plenty of room in their hand before they discard anything.
what’s the tactics for this deck?
yeah i would also like to know. Dont they just switch the decks back and your screwed?
I made some games with this and it worked pretty well, I’m currently at 6-0 (all games top 500 legend)
Against aggro decks you just have to play your AoEs, control the board and win by cleaning all the resources your opponent develops.
Against control just don’t play anything except there is such a huge threat and try to draw most as possible. Then when your deck is empty, Naturalize x2 to fill up your opponen’ts hand (he will certainly have 6 cards or / in his hand since he has a bunch of dead cards cuz you haven’t played any target for his spells), summon Togwaggle => he doesn’t get the spell and can’t swap the decks and you win thx to fatigue.
I’m too stupid. How does this work?
It’s Tars deck… a french player.