NickChipper’s N’Zoth Crusher Shaman (January 2017, Season 34)

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-34 - Style: ladder - Meta Deck: N'Zoth Shaman

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  1. Movedegénie
    February 6, 2017 at 3:10 PM

    -1 dirtyrat
    -1 doomsayer

    +1 faceless
    +1 thaurissan

    I think it cool be great like that: thaurissan, next turn > any deathrattle+ancestral+faceless

  2. Lammar
    January 18, 2017 at 4:52 PM

    Replacements for doom? I was thinking devolve?

    • Evident - Author
      January 18, 2017 at 6:27 PM

      Yeah, you could try a Devolve or maybe a second Maelstrom Portal.

  3. Eagleforever
    January 7, 2017 at 1:52 PM

    Thanks a lot for this deck.

    This deck is actually quite good. I’ve been playing it since yesterday and I played around 23 games with it and I lost only 7 of them (Half of them on ladder, so I gained 3 ranks) . So that’s a good winrate I guess.

    Surviving 1: As mentioned above in a cooment White Eyes+ancestral spirit is an important win condition but also one should consider to survive against aggro decks with the the board clearing spells.
    Surviving 2: Jinyu, Healing wave and also Hallazeal are super important most of the times. With these most decks (including control decks) run out of gas after mid game while we have one or sometimes 2 storm guardians waiting in our deck (from one or two killed white eyes’) and if you have these in your deck near the end of the game you use healing wave most of the times for 14 healing points, incredible…
    Surviving 3: More over you have Hallazeal and with the powerfull AOE spells you very often damage a lot of minions on the board (eg. 5 minions on the board on both sides and with elemental destruction you damage all of them for at least 4 damage per minion, meaning 20 healing to your hero and Hallazeal stays still alive cause he has 7 health points initially…)

    In a nutshell: this deck is a control deck but against faster decks you have to clear the board a bunch of times.

    the cons: initially this is deck is very very slow, you cant buff anything, the only thing that makes it faster are the minions drawn from far sight… You won’t be able to build a sizeable threat for your opponent before turn 5 or 6. And to close the game you must have at least 2 or 3 bigger minions on the board, that is a long process.

    • Mitsui
      January 7, 2017 at 10:14 PM

      Interesting, I play a lot of control mostly CW since the beta. I really don’t like the aggro style.

  4. Bob
    January 4, 2017 at 9:10 PM

    What can I replace Carien with?
    I was thinking
    – 1Carien
    – 1 Thing From Below
    + 1 Emperor Tharissan
    + 1 Faceless Manipulater
    Cuz Faceless only really works well with the discount?
    Is this smart or is there better replacements?

  5. SgtWingHead
    January 3, 2017 at 5:39 AM

    What can I substitute for White Eyes?

    • Evident - Author
      January 3, 2017 at 9:13 AM

      Chillmaw if you have it, you could also try a second Jinyu.

    • Dr Dawg
      January 3, 2017 at 3:42 PM

      White eyes is your win condition (with ancestral spirit) against control and Reno decks. The deck will still work against aggro without him, but control matchups are gonna go down the drain – especially Renolock and Reno Mage.

  6. Johny
    January 1, 2017 at 7:44 PM

    How da fuck he is 41-10 with this deck?

    • The0ne
      January 1, 2017 at 8:55 PM


    • imnothammer
      January 2, 2017 at 9:01 AM

      Control Shaman does very well against aggressive decks (Pirate Warrior/Aggro Shaman). Unfortunately it does rather poorly against Jade Druid and Reno Mage.

      • Dr Dawg
        January 3, 2017 at 3:40 PM

        No, actually this deck works ok against Reno Mage. You just have to bait the polymorph and kazakus spells on your elementals or sylvanas (maybe even waste an ancestral spirit) – your win condition is ancestral spirit on White Eyes. I’ve been playing control shaman almost exclusively last 4 seasons, btw, so I hope I have some authority. 😉

        • Xandao
          January 4, 2017 at 4:32 AM

          Hey Dr! Since u have been playing a lot this deck, can u tell me a little about what mulligan in the matchups?

          • Dr Dawg
            January 4, 2017 at 10:49 AM

            Against aggro keep clears, doomsayers, far sight, keep healing wave if you have a clear. Keep ancestral spirit and doomsayer combo if you have a coin for turn 3. Naked doomsayer on turn 2 will often just act as a taunt/heal for 7. 🙁

            Keep mana tide if you have doomsayer.
            Against renolock and rogue hard mulligan for hex.
            Against priest keep doomsayers and elemental destruction, far sight, maybe thing from below.
            Against Mage keep elementals, thing from below, far sight.
            Against paladin look for hex for warleaders.
            Against jade Druid cry. 🙁