New Evolve Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-30 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Always mulligan for Spirit Claws. Especially going first.

Other than that I like to get Tuskarr on coin and Maelstrom Portal or Doomsayer if I expect some sort of aggro.

It's a fairly simple mulligan strategy. You get 2 of the above, you're in good shape.

This is a new Evolve Shaman I’ve been working on that has worked extremely well on ladder so far around rank 10-12 (has the potential for even higher I think). It surprises a lot of people, and has won me plenty of games against the strong meta classes like Control Warrior, Aggro Shaman, and Zoolock. It struggles a little against Hunter, but provided you get timely board clears (which there are 4 of), they can be beat.

Y’Shaarj is the one card that can most likely be subbed out (for Onyxia most likely), but I also want to find Room for Thalnos somewhere as well.

I feel like Evolve Shaman is on the verge of being extremely strong due to the value of its cards…just needs that extra push, or for someone to find the right combination. This deck forgoes a lot of the Shaman overload (Totem Golem, Trogg, Feral Spirit, Faceless) stuff for more Evolve synergy, but doesn’t lose much in the process surprisingly. I think in about 10 games against Shamans that play the regular curve deck, I’ve won 8.

I would appreciate any feedback here as well. Thanks

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