Neviilz is a master with the Echo Giants Mage deck, making it as high as 18 on the final day of the Season 17 EU Legendary ladder. The deck has not seen much influence from the Grand Tournament, adding only a single Frost Giant to the list. The deck can be very effective because in a lot of ways it mirrors Freeze Mage. Your opponent will generally not play around Molten Giant, and once they’ve figured out that they are in the deck it will be too late for them to do anything about it. Games will go a bit longer, and you will be using your Hero Power a lot so the inclusion of Frost Giant makes a lot of sense.
Neviilz’s TGT Echo Giants Mage
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-1 explosive sheep +1doomsayer better no?
Seems that the explosive sheep is better in an aggro meta. Doomsayer has the requirement of you also having frost nova in your hand (in a lot of cases); whereas sheep can be played an pinged independent of your hand.
This is especially true when you don’t have much card draw beyond Arcane Intellect. You are potentially putting a lot of faith in the ‘heart of the cards’.
This – plus Doomsayer + Duplicate will give you three copies over two turns if you require it, so you have a lot of potential answers to threats with hat or other combo’s.
I think a large part of the difficulty of the deck is knowing when and what to duplicate or echo OUTSIDE of your main game-winning combo. If there were a way to ‘Reno-fy’ this deck with a lot of one-of’s, then that could become an even bigger issue/opportunity and this could become one of the hardest decks to pilot at higher ranks, maybe. Thoughts?
Is sylvanas replecalble? With what?
Wouldn’t it be better to switch out one of the explosive sheep for a doomsayer? Also I found that frost giant is not making a game changing difference so is it ok to swap in another card for it such as loathab or ragnors?
I feel like 2 doomsayers are important, any suggestion on what to take out?
Frost Giant, but I don’t know a lot about this deck.
Personally feel given the right draw this deck is unstoppable. With as many giants as it safely spews onto the board with the ability to duplicate stuff like emperor thaurissan and molten giant the value is insane, big echoe’s let you be very greedy (only really gets blown out if you over commit vs shadowflame against handlock. It is like you have all the benefits of playing handlock with this deck- but no downsides as far as match-ups (outside possible Kazan mystic and flare counters) are concerned compared to handlock. My favorite play (which happens very often) is having two giants down on board with them at 30 hp, alextrasa them turn 8 (emperor discount) and swing to face for 16 with two giants. If you have played with or against this deck you understand how often and easy it is to have two giants stick and them to not have taunts (or enough taunts) allowing for a two turn lethal set up any time alextrasa is drawn (barring armor and secrets- but even freezing is easy to play around with just giants let alone heal bots and sun fury’s. The ice blocks really allow molten giant abuse with echo’s and this deck just crushingly beats down opposition.
Mulligan for frost nova, doomsayer, sheep, scientist, emperor, molten giant and echo in all match-ups. Keep card draw as well if hand is decent. Hero power as much as possible and you can get a free frost giant and keep duplicating it or echoing. Don’t sleep on the hero power- it allows you to build your hand and wait a bit for answers. You can take risks due to secrets, taunt and heals available. ALWAYS KEEP ONE FREE GIANT. Post echo turns it is very tempting to want to fill the board with as many 8/8’s as possible- this can win you many games but the time you get doomsayer hit or brawl and BGH you want to have back up- keep 1 giant if you have a big board.
Last tip: already mentioned above- THE WOMBO COMBO! Drop any 2 giants that stick, play alextrasa set them to 15 and deal 16 for a perfect two turn lethal set up against non armor classes
It is no wonder only 1 card needed change in such a refined and strong deck- in my opinion with the addition of frost giant this deck is as good or better than grim patron at the peak of it’s dominance. This deck beats Druid. Freeze Mage gets stuffed by it. The design is so solid, every card has a purpose – reason why Nevilz so consistently graces the top of the legend ladder with this deck
Should note I went 41-9 with this deck on NA from rank 11 on (starting on 10/17/15) so managed a 82% win rate over first 50 games I am taking this to legend this October alongside zoo and face hunter to get quick wins for win streak games I use this
Thanks for the in-depth comment!
Got beaten up by this deck wielded by one of my friends and gotta say dayum it was unexpected and awesome
If anyone wants a fun AF deck build this. Thats what im planning on doing atleast
This deck is awesome. I played 12 games with it, lost once.
I made only one change: – 1 arcane intellect / + 1 doomsayer.
hmm i dont think less card draw is a good idea
very cool deck