General Mulligans
The Purifier/Lunacy combo is the core concept of this deck. Having them in hand early gives you the flexibility to switch gears at the optimum time.
Aggro Mulligans
Fight aggro with aggro. Guaranteed to get dirty looks from Demon Hunters.
Combo Mulligans
Aggro is also an excellent choice when facing slower decks, such as control, midrange, or combo. With 29 cards in the 1 or 2 mana range it's hard to have a bad start.
Two decks in one: start the game with small aggro minions, then use the Wyrmrest Purifier + Deck of Lunacy combo to transform the remaining neutral cards into random mage minions and discounted random spells. Two Starscryer are included to tutor the Deck of Lunacy, and the Sphere of Sapience helps find any combo card. Use Archmage Antonidas to convert random garbage spells into fireballs. Astromancer Solarian provides an additional win condition.