Guide in Progress…
Hey Guys,
This is my Version of a Yogg Token Druid. I write this guide at first for myself to understand how this deck works an what to do in special matchups so it will be updatet from time to time, so feel free to give me tips and say whats right and wrong with this deck! I will start with a mulligan and match up guide and then I will try to give a view on to card and tech decisions.
This is a combo deck wich allows you to create big boards with cards and combinations of Living Roots, Power of the Wild, Soul of the Forest, Violet Teacher and Wisps of the Old Gods. With this boards you will crush your enemy. If you are at a bad position play Yogg-Saron, Hope's End and pray. In most cases he will hear your prayer and help you with much spells.
Card Decisions
Cards I play
(T stands for Tech Card – you can swap it with some Tech Cards below)
- Innervate is one of your main cards of this deck. You can play big combos together with Violet Teacher and some other spells to give your enemy a board to deal with.
- Living Roots is a very felixble card. It is the perfect opener to create board presence or gives you a 2 damage spell. Works very great together with Violet Teacher and Azure Drake
- Raven Idol gives you more flexibilty and a spell for Violet Teacher and Yogg-Saron, Hope's End. You whant to choose a spell for your situation. Against Aggro you need a AoE spell, against control a removal… and so on. Choose what you need. Against Aggro play it if it fits in your mana plan. Against control wait until you have a situation you can’t manage with your hand.
- Wild Growth getting mana is so strong and in turn 10 it will give you two spells for one card.
- Power of the Wild gives you board presence at the beginning of the game or makes your board bigger if you have allready some tokens out.
- Wrath I think I don’t have much to say.
- Feral Rage (T) a removal or a heal. You decide what you need.
- Mulch (T) is your only hard removal. It’s mostly to kill C'Thun
- Savage Roar once you created a big board you want to finish the game. And here is the card wich helps you with this plan.
- Soul of the Forest (T) is very nice if you want to protect your board against an AoE spell. You can play Emperor Thaurissan, Wisps of the Old Gods and Soul of the Forest to create a veeery sticky board. Nice to KEEP board control if you have it.
- Swipe AoE AND removal of a single minion. Pairs very well with Azure Drake .
- Fandral Staghelm – Such Card, Much synergy – Wow. Play this guy in combination with simply each card of this deck. It has a pseudo Taunt so feel free to drop it without any combo against aggro.
- Mire Keeper will help you to ramp or to build a board. Only ramp if you see the chance to use the extra mana (for example play hin at 4 and then drop Emperor Thaurissan). In the other cases use the slime.
- Violet Teacher is one of the main cards of this deck. You have so much cheap spells to create an insane board with it. Against aggro you want to drop it early for board control. Against control you want to keep her until you can build a big combo.
- Nourish is mainly to refill your hand. The ramp effect is just nice together with Fandral Staghelm wich gives you 3 cards for 3 mana.
- Wisps of the Old Gods (T) fill the board or buff it – your decision pairs very well with Emperor Thaurissan + Fandral Staghelm or Soul of the Forest!
- Arch-Thief Rafaam (T) is a big threat. You should choose Mirror of Doom to flood the board again.
- Cenarius stop your enemy with taunts against aggro or buff your board. It’s a Wisps of the Old Gods with a minion together. In control and midrange matchups you want to buff your board. The taunts are needed to stop aggro and restore board control.
- Yogg-Saron, Hope's End play him as last chance. In this deck you have many spells so it will be insane and in most cases he will clear the whole board. Use him as board clear and/or when your hand is empty.
Tech Cards
- Emperor Thaurissan nice in Control Matchups – to slow for Aggro and Midrange
- Azure Drake you can bring it in if you have Thaurissan in your deck
- Ancient of War nice answer to Call of the Wild
Cards I banned
Class and Mulligan Guide
I will write at every matchup if you have to focus on board control, pressure or big combos.
At board-control-matchups you should focus on destory all minions on your enemys board because the board is your enemys biggest weapon. If his hand is empty and he can’t create a board, you won this game in most cases.
At pressure-matchups you should focus on having a board all time to engage your enemy so he can’t concentrate on build his own combos and boards. Play small combos like Violet Teacher and Raven Idol or Living Roots or Mire Keeper to set up pressure.
At big-combo-maptchups you should focus on playing big combos with Violet Teacher, Wisps of the Old Gods and Soul of the Forest to give your enemy a board he can’t deal with. Here you have to try to as least cards as you can.
I think Warrior is very hard to mulligan at this time – It can play Aggro (Pirate), Midrange (Tempo) and Control (Casual, C’Thun). The best is to mulligan for Aggro/Tempo because if it’s a Control Matchup you have enough time to draw the right cards.
You are looking for Power of the Wild, Living Roots, Innervate, Wrath and Violet Teacher. You can keep Mire Keeper if you have some of the other cards.
Aggro Warrior
Focus on: board control
Tempo Warrior
Focus on: board control
If the Tempo Warrior loses Board Control, he lost the game. Use Power of the Wild and Wrath to control the board and try to use your Violet Teacher with some combos early. Beware of Ravaging Ghoul when you play Wisps of the Old Gods or Living Roots. Don’t focus on comboing to much. Clear his key cards like Frothing Berserker early and give him big Boards with Violet Teacher, Wisps of the Old Gods and Combos.
Control Warrior (Casual, Dragon, C’Thun)
Focus on: big combos
In this matchup you have to play as slow. You want to create a big board with many spells and Violet Teacher and make it sticky with Soul of the Forest. Yogg-Saron, Hope's End is for card draw and maybe for finish. Beware you have to create a board at least twice because of Brawl so save cards for a second and third combo round. Don’t worry about your live. The Warrior can’t create big burst Rounds so focus on killing only the minions you have to kill. An Acolyte of Pain is a card you can simply ignore. With your Raven Idol you are searching more pressure and tokens with cards like Wisps of the Old Gods or Force of Nature.
Warlock is my enemy of fear. I simply hate it. I don’t know exactly how to win. Mulligan for Innervate, Living Roots, Power of the Wild, Wrath,Feral Rage and Violet Teacher.If you are on the Coin or have one Innervate you can keep Mire Keeper.
Focus on: board control
This is a hard matchup. A Violet Teacher played in turn 2 with Innervate is nice for getting tempo. After this you have to protect it and get a hard board control – you will need more tokens then your enemy. Ancient of War is very good because your enemy can’t deal with it. Focus on killing Knife Juggler because he kills your tokes very fast and use your Raven Idol for getting AoE Cards like a third Swipe or maybe a Starfall. Use your Hero Power as often as you can to control the board.
Maybe you can give me some tips for this matchup?
Focus on: big combos
Similar to Control Warrior. Look for your enemys board clears and don’t build a too big board unless he played all 3.
Against Hunter you have to control the board or buil pressure so look for Innervate, Living Roots, Power of the Wild, Wrath, Feral Rage (Aigainst Leokk and Misha). If you have some of these cards you can keep Violet Teacher and Mire Keeper.
Midrange Hunter
Focus on: board control
This is a hard Matchup. Hunter has so many minions to drop. Try to control the board with Wrath, Living Roots and Feral Rage and build tempo with Mire Keeper and Violet Teacher. Try to loose not to much live. At turn 8 you should have an answer to Call of the Wild – this could be an Ancient of War at turn 7 or an Azure Drake +Swipe at turn 9. You have to survive as long as your enemy has cards in his hand. After this you can start to build your board. Beware of his Kill Command so don’t just drop your Violet Teacher if he has a beast on board and Kill Command in his deck and you don’t have something to combo with.
Yogg Saron Hunter
Focus on: pressure
This matchup ist just better than Midrange Hunter. The Yogg Hunter try to do big combos so you just have to force him to play cards so he can’t build a big hand. Use Power of the Wild, Mire Keeper, Fandral Staghelm and some little Violet Teacher Combos to build a board but be careful with Wisps of the Old Gods – the Yogg Hunter runs 2 Unleash the Hounds.
There aren’t much Priest Players
but on your Way to Legend, you will meet one ore another and all are
playing control style decks. Mulligan for Wrath,
Power of the Wild, Living Roots,
Violet Teacher.
Control Priest
Just like the other Control Matchups. Keep calm and do big combos for big boards. You con’t have to kill every Northshire Cleric.