Aggro Mulligans
You looking for these Cards to get board controll and tempo for you midgame play.
Hi Guys,
you wanna play something other? Not Freeze or Tempo Mage? Then you can try out my Midrange Mage. It’s fairly a Tempomage with some more tanky minions like Sludge Belcher or Sylvanas Windrunner to trade some minions.
Early Game
(Mulligans above)
In the early game you try to Control the Board with Mana Wyrm, your spells and Mirror Entity. You have to trade effective. An early Flamewaker without another spell is risky but it can kill some aggro minions (perfect vs Zoo, Hunter and Paladin).
Now you have the board control and you have to start to attack your enemy. You can hide a big Mana Wyrm behind a Sludge Belcher or you can play Sylvanas Windrunner to buy time.
If you have a Sludge Belcher on your field and some spells in your hand you can try to play Archmage Antonidas if you think your enemy has no removal.
Kill your enemy with a storm of Fireballs from Archmage Antonidas or play Dr. Boom and Ragnaros the Firelord and show him who is the Boss now.
I reached rank 10 with this Deck, but i think someone who is better than me can reach more. The big advantage of this is, that nobody expects a midrange Mage π
This deck has been working well for me. I’ve won around 7 of my last 5 games. It may be higher. I wasn’t really counting.
Unfortunately, I don’t have Sylvanas, so I’m running Loatheb in her place. Having Ragnaros and Belcher have really come in handy.
I think Loatheb is a very good replacmenet, because it does at least the same as sylvanas just for spells and not for minions.
Meanwhile I lost some games against this deck for myself. That’s funny π
ran this deck most of season 22 and still running it. I really enjoy it. helped me get to 500 wins
Nice! GZ π
Anything I can replace Sylvanas with? It’s the only card in this deck that I don’t have.
You can try Loatheb.
I haven’t played mage for some time, I don’t like freeze mage and I’ve got tired of tempo mage, I might give this deck a try… Midrange is my favourite time of deck in Hearthstone.
has anyone tried this deck? is it good? guess i’ll have to find out
Very fun in ladder. People mulligan for aggro and usually kill your early game with all they’ve got. You then react to their remaining removal accordingly. I figure you’d have to adjust the actual late game portion every few days or so.