Murloc Paladin Resurrection

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: tempo - Season: season-34 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Mulligan the high cost cards in your deck, there is enough card draw within it that you shouldn't have a hard time drawing to what you need.

I usually mulligan forbidden healing just because you won't need the early heal, unless you are against something like a warrior then I might consider keeping it

I just recently started playing Hearthstone again after the holidays and I got some new cards that came together to make this deck! I’ve always loved the idea of Murloc tribal and after Anyfin Can Happen came out, I was really rooting for more synergy within the paladin! I had been watching a stream of some guy who put together a great Murloc deck so I thought I would give it a shot!

Anyways, this is what I ended up putting together! It can be super aggressive early game, but it has a a lot of potential in the late game as well!

The idea is to stall and remove things early game, and get in some face damage if possible! Then once you get to late game you use Anyfin Can Happen and just go straight face! It’s like stale and make them pay for it late! Just don’t stall too much because that can back fire! 

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