Murloc Paladin Deck List Guide – Boomsday – August 2018

Our Murloc Paladin deck list guide for The Boomsday Project expansion will teach you how to play this aggressive Paladin list. This guide includes Mulligans, Gameplay Strategy, Card Substitutions, and Combos/Synergies!


While met with a bit of early resistance, Murloc Paladin has become an increasingly popular deck in the Hearthstone metagame. Over the past few expansions, the deck has received an increasing number of tools that makes it a consistently strong deck on the Standard Ladder.

It was Journey to Un’goro, the first expansion in the Year of the Mammoth, that propelled the deck into the powerhouse that it is today. Hydrologist is yet another phenomenal Paladin Murloc, but it was really Neutral cards that took the deck over the top. Rockpool Hunter and Gentle Megasaur can be punishing for opponents if Murlocs are on board, fitting the deck’s gameplan of snowballing a board state.

Year of the Raven has started and a lot of players have doubted whether this deck would still be viable. With two powerful 1-drops rotating out (Vilefin Inquisitor andΒ Grimscale Chum), the deck’s early game has suffered greatly, and it didn’t really get a lot of tools to fill that gap. However, Paladin’s powerful early/mid game aggressive shell is still enough to keep this deck working.

The balanace changes hit the deck pretty hard, changing the mana cost ofΒ Call to Arms from 4 to 5. The deck’s big swing turn happening a turn later hurts, but both Call to Arms and Murloc Paladin in general are still viable. The deck list itself didn’t change at all.

Update – The Boomsday Project

We’ve listed a popular version of Murloc Paladin below, we’ll be updating the guide soon!

Deck List

Deck Import

Card Choices

Class Cards

  • Lost in the Jungle – Aggressive deck such as this really needs 1-drops, and since two of them have rotated out, players had to fill the gap somehow. Lost in the Jungle is just a solid card – good early game play and has a solid synergy with Tarim later.
  • Righteous Protector – Protecting high-value minions is important to in this deck. Righteous Protector can frustrate opponents by soaking up two attacks.
  • Hydrologist – While Hydrologist’s stats aren’t great, the valuable options it presents can be crucial to the outcome of games.
  • Divine Favor – This is a more aggressive build, has a plethora of early game minions. As a result, Divine Favor can refill your hand with a fresh set of cards.
  • Unidentified Maul – Somewhere between Muster for Battle andΒ Coghammer, this 3-mana weapon can help maintain a solid board state.
  • Blessing of Kings – One-of buff, good to deal some damage immediately from the hand or to trade up. For example, if your opponent puts Tar Creeper in your way, you can easily pass it with Kings on a 1/1.
  • Call to Arms – The card is no longer as powerful as it was at 4 mana, but drawing & playing three 1-2 mana minions for 5 mana is still worth it, especially since there is a solid chance to get a bunch of Murlocs and follow it up with Warleader or Megasaur.
  • Sunkeeper Tarim – Another staple Paladin Legendary minion. Sunkeeper Tarim stacks buffs with Murloc Warleader and Gentle Megasaur making him a potent threat in this deck.
  • Vinecleaver – Late game weapon that you can use to protect your board or just to finish the game. Aggressive Paladins are low on reach, and you can’t underestimate 12 damage over 3 turns.

Neutral Cards

  • Murloc Tidecaller – If you’re looking for a fast start, look no further. Murloc Tidecaller can get out of hand very quickly in this deck.
  • Knife Juggler – Works very well with Call to Arms and your Hero Power.
  • Rockpool Hunter – If you can stick a Murloc, Rockpool Hunter is far and away your best early game play.
  • Coldlight Seer – It’s hard to land buffs on Murlocs when they’re dead. Coldlight Seer helps you keep your Murlocs healthy and ready to trade efficiently. Or just go face.
  • Murloc Warleader – Even a nerf couldn’t keep this card from seeing play. It turns out, giving most/all of your minions +2 Attack is still very strong.
  • Nightmare Amalgam – There was no dedicated Murloc card in the latest set, however, Nightmare Amalgam fills that gap somehow. It’s just a vanilla 3/4 Murloc in this case, but it synergizes nicely with all the Murloc buffs.
  • Gentle Megasaur – Landing a Megasaur on a board for of Murlocs can be game ending. Even with only a couple in play, this 4 mana 5/4 can turn the tide of a game.
  • Spellbreaker – Silence is a great tool in this meta. Whether you need to stop some ongoing effect, negate a Deathrattle or just get through a big Taunt, Spellbreaker will be there to help.
  • Fungalmancer – Since the deck wants to fight for the board control, buffing your minions lets you trade more efficiently. Keeping your Murlocs alive also means that you can stack more before dropping another board-wide Murloc buff.
Check out our List of the Best Standard Decks for Hearthstone Ladder

Murloc Paladin Mulligan Strategy & Guide

The mulligan section is divided into two parts – against fast decks and against slow decks. Fast decks are generally the Aggro decks (e.g. Odd Face Hunter) or high tempo Midrange decks (e.g. Odd Paladin). Slow decks are slower Midrange and Control decks.

Vs Fast Decks

Higher Priority (keep every time):

  • Lost in the Jungle, Murloc Tidecaller,Β Righteous Protector – 1-drops are very important in every matchup, but especially against Aggro and especially in this deck. You want to stay ahead on the board because a) you’re playing an Aggro deck and b) your Murlocs heavily benefit from having more of them on the board. That’s why a good 1-drop opening is amazing. Generally, Murloc Tidecaller is the best 1-drop to keep if you also have a Rockpool Hunter. If you don’t, Lost in the Jungle and Righteous Protector will probably be slightly better.
  • Rockpool Hunter – Landing a buff with Rockpool Hunter on turn 2 can be game-winning. But even if you don’t, it’s still your highest tempo 2-drop.
  • Call to Arms – Even if you somehow fall behind in the early game, Call to Arms has a super high chance to get you back into the game. With just a single card, you should be able to create a pretty solid board presence, possibly put a Taunt (Protector) in the way and throw some knives (Juggler). Great keep even after the nerfs.

Lower Priority (keep only if certain conditions are met):

  • Hydrologist – Only if you have a 1-drop, but don’t have a Turn 2 Rockpool to follow up. While the extra effect of gaining a Secret is great, it’s just a bit too slow in Aggro matchups – 2/2 body for 2 is not that great.
  • Unidentified Maul – With a 1-drop and 2-drop already. Weapon is great to control the board, but if won’t be enough if you pass Turn 1 and Hero Power on Turn 2, that’s why your small minions have a higher mulligan priority.

Vs Slow Decks

Higher Priority (keep every time):

  • Lost in the Jungle, Murloc Tidecaller,Β Righteous ProtectorΒ – Just like against fast decks, you still want to open with a 1-drop. This time you won’t need it as much to control the board as to simply deal damage – let’s say 2x 1/1 on Turn 1, if left unanswered, can deal some serious damage over the course of a few turns. In slow matchups, Murloc Tidecaller is your best 1-drop, but you will gladly take any of them, to be honest.
  • Rockpool Hunter – Amazing snowball card, your Turn 1 Murloc Tidecaller usually survives, so you can often buff it with Rockpool on curve. That board alone already puts a lot of pressure on your opponent, and it’s the best opening you can have.
  • Call to Arms – Against Control decks, it’s usually a refill card, but it’s really necessary. They will usually drop their first AoE around Turn 4-5 and that’s where Call to Arms comes into action to refill. Keeping it might make your early game a bit weaker, but it’s still worth it.

Lower Priority (keep only if certain conditions are met):

  • Hydrologist – Hydrologist is a much better card against slow decks, but is still less optimal than Rockpool Hunter.
  • Murloc Warleader or Coldlight Seer – Keep with Murloc 1-drop and 2-drop. If you play those on the curve with 2 Murlocs on the board, you can make a really solid board state. Generally, Warleader is more aggressive, but banks on them not having an AoE to answer it. Seer is slower, but plays around AoE better. Both are valid option, and both are bad if you don’t have other Murlocs, so don’t keep them unless you have them in your hand already.

Murloc Paladin Win Rates

Winrate stats are currently unavailable for this deck at the moment!

Play Strategy

This is a deck with a lot of explosive power, but also several tools to sustain pressure throughout the game. The flexibility of the archetype lends itself to varying builds. In the past, the deck included high-cost threats in Bonemare and Tirion Fordring to maintain threats into the late game. In the last expansions, the deck has shifted towards aggressive builds that look overwhelm opponents within the first few turns.

Beyond the specifics of the cards in the deck, Discover and Adapt mechanics allow us to adjust our gameplans on the fly. Identify the opponent’s archetype as quickly as possible and tailor your decisions to it.

All-in-all, the deck’s adaptability provides players with a lot of options going into different matchups.

Vs Aggro

Against aggro, the early game tempo is key. Prioritize control of the board state in all of your decisions and fight hard to establish a stable footing. Trade efficiently, but be aware of your life total at all times. Even at 1 mana, Righteous Protector can put up an irritating roadblock for aggressive decks. Once you’ve stuck some Murlocs in play, your synergistic mechanics should be enough to carry you over the finish line. Coldlight Seer and Gentle Megasaur, especially, can help keep your minions on the table.

When you play versus fast decks, you generally don’t have to worry about overcommiting. The bigger board you have, the better it is. Of course, you might still want to play against some random AoE (likeΒ Primordial Glyph vs Tempo Mage), but don’t sweat it – being ahead means that you can dictate the trades and the more minions you have at your disposal, the better you can adjust them.

If you do happen to get behind, Call to Arms can help bring you back onto the board.Β Knife Juggler has a rather curious interaction with the card. Depending on the order of cards pulled, it can either throw knives or not. If you get Juggler first, and then two more minions, he throws 2 knives. But if you get it last – he throws none. However, there is still quite a high chance to get Juggler from Call to Arms, so if you play it later in the game, ALWAYS open with it before playing more minions, so you won’t waste potential damage. E.g. Call to Arms +Β Lost in the Jungle can be a really amazing Turn 6 play if you pull the Juggler (even better if you pull two!). There is also a high chance to get at least 2 Murlocs from your Call to Arms, which makes it a juicy card to combo withΒ Murloc synergies.

Timing of Sunkeeper Tarim is critical. Though you run the risk of buffing opposing minions, it can often take three 3/3’s to take out the 3/7 Taunt. Look for opportunities to make value trades and then rebuff your minions with the 6-mana Legendary. Tarim is also your “desperate play” if you fall behind on the board, but not behind enough to completely lose the game. E.g. playing a small minion or two + Tarim against 2-3 opposing minions can be good enough – even if you buff your opponent’s small stuff, the 3/7 Taunt might still be enough to block them (as long as they don’t have some sort of buff, or direct removal).Β Make sure to look for any available value trades before playing this card. For example, if you have a 2/3 minion on the board, and your opponent has a 2/1, there is no point in playing Tarim first – you can trade those minions, still have a 2/1 and then turn it into a 3/3. After trades, you want to play any small minions you can, including Hero Power, before Sunkeeper comes down. If you haveΒ Vinecleaver equipped, remember to swing with it FIRST, before playing Tarim (unless you can get lethal with the “wrong” order). Incorrectly sequencing Sunkeeper turns can be punishing – even a single extra 3/3 minion on the board can change the course of the entire game, and I’ve seen people losing out on 2 or 3 of them quite often.

Discover Choices

When it comes to the Discover picks, prioritize options that lock down the board.

  • HydrologistNoble Sacrifice is usually a high priority pick, but especially so when facing 2-health minions. With Righteous Protector in play Redemption can be a good choice to keep your defenses up. In rare situations, Repentance can punish an opponent trying to sneak a big minion into play.
  • Gentle Megasaur – Against aggression, you want to look for tools that keep you on the board. Divine Shield, Deathrattle, and +1/+1 are all obvious choices here, but +3 Health can be effective at maintaining your position as well. If you’re at low health and you need to put a wall between your Hero and opponent’s minions, Taunt is also something to consider – remember that it does not add anything onto the board besides protecting your health total, so do it only if you are really low.

Vs Control

Against Control matchups, you are the beatdown. As such, you need to emphasize applying pressure, especially in the first few turns. Landing a Murloc Tidecaller into Rockpool Hunter and Murloc Warleader can be devastating.

That said, you always need to be aware of potential removal from your opponent. Find a good balance between applying pressure and overextending. The thing is, your resources are limited, and AoE will nearly always be a huge value win for your opponent. If you play too much into it, you might run out of resources before your opponent runs out of removals – and you don’t want that situation to happen.

If you have reload in the form of Call to Arms orΒ Divine Favor you can extend a little further than normal. Just be sure you always have a contingency plan before going all in. There are still situations in which going all in is the right play – let’s say that you had a pretty poor start and you’re running out of steam with no way to refill the hand. Now, going all in might be a solid play, because it might be your only chance to win. If you take long enough, your opponent will surely find more AoE, Taunts, healing etc. But if you push with everything you have, and he does not currently have a way to counter your play in his hand, you might sneak a victory like that.

Divine Favor is generally an MVP in those matchups. However, remember that it’s still technically a huge tempo loss – using 3 mana to do nothing on the board when you play an Aggro deck is a big commitment. Timing is very important. Best time to play it is when your board is already solid and you don’t want to play more minions, in order to play around AoE. Another good time is when your opponent plays a stall card likeΒ Doomsayer (which you can’t deal with) orΒ Blizzard. Finally, don’t be too greedy with it – try to play as many cards before dropping it, but drawing 3 cards is generally enough. 8 cards Divine Favor is obviously amazing, but if you wait to get that much value, you will often miss your opportunity and draw even less.

Remember thatΒ Nightmare Amalgam doesn’t count only as a Murloc – no matter when you drop it, it always has ALL of the tribes attached. Since hate cards are not that common right now, it’s not a big deal, but it’s something to keep in mind if, for example, players start runningΒ Dragonslayer orΒ Golakka Crawler – those cards would be able to hit your Amalgam, making it a much worse option. It’s already not AMAZING in this deck, so in case people start teching things like that, I’d recommend replacing it with something else.

Sunkeeper Tarim is an amazingly flexible tool in this matchup. Often, he can provide a little bit of extra, unexpected burst to close out games. Remember that Murloc Warleader attack buffs stack on top of the stat change from Tarim. Other times, Sunkeeper can neutralize massive threats on the other side of the board. A great example of this is Control Warlock with his Voidlord. Using Tarim vs Voidlord is amazing, because not only you can easily deal with the 3/3 Taunt (as opposed to 3/9), all the spawned Voidwalkers are 1/3, so you can trade them easily with the rest of your board. Use this card wisely for whatever the situation dictates.

Discover Choices

In Control matchups, you want to find either value generators or aggressions with your Discover cards.

  • Hydrologist – It really depends on the matchup and the board state, but I’d say that generallyΒ Redemption should be the best pick in the early/mid game, and thenΒ Repentance later in the match (against decks that can drop big minions, especially big Taunts). Redemption, while not amazing, is always some extra tempo. Reviving aΒ Righteous Protector orΒ Murloc Warleader will often be optimal, but even just getting some random Murloc back can be good – you can immediately buff it with something next turn. Since your opponent will usually drop AoEs on the turn he can do that, he will rarely have any extra mana to finish the minion you revive off, meaning that you should usually start with some sort of board.Β Noble Sacrifice can be okay if you need to stall a minion that’s on the board – e.g. your opponent drops aΒ Mountain Giant orΒ Twilight Drake and you’re ahead in tempo – instead of trying to deal with it, you can basically stall it for one more turn and worry about it later.Β Hidden Wisdom is a new Secret, and it can be good in certain situations. You can pick it when your opponent is on the Coin (he might play three cards in a turn, since Coin counts as a card), or when it’s pretty late into the game and you need a refill, especially against a deck playing multiple cards per turn. Even if he decides to play around it, it’s always a small win for you. Then,Β Eye for an Eye can be sometimes good against decks that can’t easily deal 1 damage (e.g. with their Hero Power). For example, if you face a Cube Warlock, the Secret will often deal at least 3 damage to your opponent, which might sometimes be important.
  • Gentle Megasaur – In slower matchups, defensives tools such as Divine Shield, Deathrattle, and +3 Health are all helpful in protecting against AoE. When you need to turn up the heat, however, +3 Attack and Windfury can apply a lot of pressure. Poisonous is a more situational pick, but it works incredibly well if your opponent drops a big minion on the board (likeΒ Voidlord or a big minion summoned byΒ Spiteful Summoner).

Card Substitutions

Sadly, Paladin decks are frequently quite expensive. This list is a cheaper Paladin alternative but still has some high rarity cards within it. Below, you can find options for replacing the Epic and Legendary cards in this deck.

Epic Card Replacements

  • Murloc Warleader &Β Gentle Megasaur – Those cards are core in the Murloc list and can’t be replaced. If you don’t have them, you should probably run a non-Murloc version of the deck instead (just a regular Aggro Paladin).
  • Nightmare Amalgam – It’s good to have something you can drop on Turn 3 without a board (Murloc Warleader and Coldlight Seer are much better IF you have a board, but they aren’t that great when you have nothing to buff), but this card is not necessary. You can, for example, run more small minions instead, such asΒ Argent Squire orΒ Dire Wolf Alpha. Alternatively, you can go for a 4 mana weapon –Β Truesilver Champion.
  • Call to Arms – Even after the nerf, Call to Arms is still one of the most powerful cards in the deck. Which means that it’s still hard to replace this card without impacting your win rate heavily. If you still want to play with the deck, I’d suggest adding second copies of Coldlight Seer, Blessing of Kings, Fungalmancer or Vinecleaver.

Legendary Card Replacements

  • Sunkeeper Tarim – Paladin has several powerful Legendary minions, but Tarim may be the best of them. If you don’t have the card,Β Tar Creeper or Tirion Fordring could be a reasonable substitute, although neither of them would fulfill a similar role.


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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Discuss This Deck
  1. Slayersgaming
    February 15, 2018 at 8:17 AM

    Is this a good deck to climb ranked with from rank 20 do you all think? Or secret mage better?

    • Pcp3345
      February 17, 2018 at 3:53 AM

      Play this insted of mage

    • Slayersgaming2
      March 13, 2018 at 8:46 PM

      If you’re rank 20 you can climb to 15 with a deck that costs < 1k dust.

      • Yup
        March 24, 2018 at 12:45 PM

        I got to legend with a deck that costs around 1.6k dust. Midrange Hunter. πŸ˜›

  2. Failure
    February 15, 2018 at 1:05 AM

    Would Spikeridged Steed be a viable replacement for Blessing of Kings?

    • ziesn2k
      February 23, 2018 at 3:48 AM

      no, since its aggro and not control… you definitely need the dmg-output

    • U Failure
      March 13, 2018 at 8:47 PM

      Everyone has Blessing of Kings.

  3. michel
    February 9, 2018 at 9:49 AM

    jΓ‘ que nerfaram o rastejante sujiro colocarem defensor da colina no lugar

  4. HervyGrizzly
    February 8, 2018 at 8:14 PM

    What would be a good hydra replacement? Also, just have one inquisitor, is it really worth it to craft another one right now or it’s good with just one? Those are the only two cards missing for me in this list.

  5. Fabuloso
    February 7, 2018 at 6:32 AM

    with the nerf to Corridor Creeper, what would be a viable replacement in this deck? Finja? Curator?

  6. Gaveston
    February 6, 2018 at 12:41 PM

    I have a much higher win rate percentage between levels 20-8 with evolve jade shaman than this deck.

  7. Jarate
    January 24, 2018 at 5:31 AM

    Considering that the Vilefin Inquisitor will be rotating out in a few months, would this deck be terrible without it? Or would it still be playable? Thanks in advance.

    • Andreas
      January 26, 2018 at 3:18 AM

      If any other 1-Cost Murloc comes with the new Cards – it will be definitly playable. Still so strong – we’ll see

    • reyn01ds
      February 7, 2018 at 7:59 AM

      I m worried about the same thing :S murloc pala without murlocs in h power!

  8. Bcfrederick39
    January 23, 2018 at 6:07 PM

    If I don’t have the dust yet for Tarim, should I replace him with Tirion, a second Knife Juggler, The Curator, or something else?

    • Loot Shark
      March 9, 2018 at 8:33 PM

      Just don’t play this deck please you’ll be doing us all a favor.

      • Autism?
        March 13, 2018 at 8:50 PM

        Tirion is more of a control card, and The Curator does not fit in this deck. I would go for the second Knife Juggler.

  9. J
    January 19, 2018 at 2:49 AM

    After playing 20 games with this deck there is one thing that I notice a lot.
    AOE Removal. There is so much AEO Removal nowadays. Especially with the Warlock divile and the new priest dragon that deals 3 damage while summoned plus the dragon fire potion. Is there a way to still win with this deck and avoid the removal? Because literally 9 out of 10 games I encounter a priest or warlock with aeo removal.

    For now I don’t see this deck as a meta deck at all, because almost every class counters this deck big time in the current meta. Maybe someone can change my mind with some tips?

    • Fridge
      January 19, 2018 at 10:15 AM

      Exactly.. murloc paladin is good but its tier 2 or 3
      VS report has a fetish of pushing murloc paladin as the most OP deck to get to and being played in legend. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

      Go ahead craft and play murloc paladin, tempo rogue, highlander priest and cube warlock you will realize that murloc paladin is the weakest.. i still dont get why hearthstonetopdeck and vs report keep pushing murloc paladin as DA BEST EVAR.

      • Fridge
        January 19, 2018 at 10:20 AM

        everyone brought Tempo rogue, highlander priest and cube warlock, when 16 of the best players are playing those decks and banning them instead of this lousy murloc deck that knocked hoej and ant out of the tournament (their fault for trusting vs report). That should be a HUGE hint that vs report is .. just a biased weekly report that some reason wants us to believe murloc paladin is the best deck at the moment.. (ITS NOT)

        so put it in tier 2 where it belongs

        • Evident
          January 19, 2018 at 10:27 AM

          Tournament meta is completely different from the ladder.

          • J
            January 20, 2018 at 3:30 AM

            He’s still right. Murloc Paladin is one of the worst decks in the current meta. Play it and you’ll see it for yourself. Literally every deck has so much AEO damage OR a huge taunt that makes you kill your Murlocs anyway, because this deck hasn’t got any removal.

          • Fridge
            January 20, 2018 at 7:05 AM

            news flash : all murloc paladin users : omegazero, hoej and ant got knocked out easily vs the BEST DECKS (ie priests, warlocks and rogues)

            Are we still have to believe Murloc paladin is “the best tier one deck” like VS report says
            lets recap the facts :

            1. Vs report keep insisting that aggro paladin (or murloc) is the best tier 1 deck (hearthstonetopdeck probably just copied their rank)
            2. Yes its a good deck, it can get you to legend (even tier 3 decks can)
            3. If you play it you will realize that tempo rogue, highlander priests and cube warlocks are much stronger and consistent.
            4. HCT brought the best players, the best decks with the intent of winning with their decks and take no losses. Only 3 murloc paladins being brought so its a statement that its not the strongest deck
            5. Best players dont even bother banning the murloc paladin deck.

            Lets get this out there just to prove my point that VS report DO have a fetish pushing murloc paladin as a number deck when CLEARLY despite all the facts its NOT.

            • Evident
              January 20, 2018 at 9:19 AM

              The tournament meta is significantly different than ladder. You can ban classes and tailor your lineup based on the bans. Murloc & Aggro Paladin have the best overall matchups and stats against the field of decks on the ladder. This includes many decks that aren’t even considered in a tournament lineup.

              1. We don’t copy their ranks, take a second to look at our list and you’ll realize it’s much different. We rank Highlander Priest & Cubelock much higher because they are very good decks but stats don’t necessarily back it up. This is one area where stats can be a bit misleading.
              2. Great.
              3. I’m glad that’s your experience, but overall Murloc Paladin has the better matchups against the field. You’ll notice that we rank all of these decks in the top tier, just because Murloc Paladin is at the top doesn’t mean it’s SIGNIFICANTLY better than the other decks.
              4. This is irrelevant. People used to bring Camel Hunter to tournaments and it was a terrible deck for the ladder but good in tournaments. This has also been the case with Miracle Rogue and Freeze Mage in the past, they’ve been pretty bad ladder decks at certain points but could still perform well in the tournament environment.
              5. Irrelevant.

              VS report is based on stats. HSReplay has significantly more stats and also ranks Aggro/Murloc Paladin as top tier, so I’m not sure where you are coming up with this weird conspiracy theory.

      • Vv
        February 26, 2018 at 12:36 AM

        Vs is based on statistics.

  10. Joao0611
    January 18, 2018 at 6:49 AM

    Is this list viable rank 5 and upwards? Can it hit legend?

    • Roffle
      January 18, 2018 at 9:45 AM

      Several meta reports cite this as one of the best, if not THE best, archetypes in the Standard format right now. This particular list should be more than viable beyond Rank 5.

  11. Samuel
    January 15, 2018 at 8:58 PM

    aggro paladin and murloc paladin which one will u guys choose?

    • Roffle
      January 18, 2018 at 9:45 AM

      Both are strong choices right now, so it’s really a matter of preference.

    January 13, 2018 at 5:51 AM

    Any suggestions on how to deal with Voidlords ? It just seems to make this deck get stopped dead in its tracks.

    • Roffle
      January 15, 2018 at 8:22 AM

      Poisonous off of Gentle Megasaur is your best shot with the deck as is. Many aggro lists are also starting to tech in Spellbreaker(s) to better deal with the now-prevalent Voidlords, but this list is a bit tight already.

  13. SpookShire
    January 5, 2018 at 4:27 PM

    Is there a difference between taking Bluegill Warrior over Murloc Tidecaller?

    • fjsdoj
      March 13, 2018 at 8:52 PM

      Bluegill Warrior is stronger overall. The only advantage that Murloc Tidecaller has is two murloc bodies while Bluegill Warrior has the op charge mechanic. This has synergy with buffs like Murloc Warleader and is quite strong with Call to Arms.

  14. BadZooKeeper
    January 4, 2018 at 3:10 PM

    happy to say that this is my first specialized deck, just stated playing 2 months ago πŸ™‚
    and it WORKS at lest for now πŸ˜›
    thanks for the FANTASTIC website .

    • Roffle
      January 4, 2018 at 4:35 PM

      Glad to hear the deck is working for you! Sounds like you’ve made some fast progress to assemble this deck so quickly.

    • Loot Shark
      March 9, 2018 at 8:37 PM

      You love an aggro deck just disgusting… If one of my friends said they loved aggro we would NOT be friends any more.

      • R U OK?
        March 13, 2018 at 8:55 PM

        I was scrolling through the comments and just couldn’t stop but notice that you are replying to almost every 2 month old comment that is complementing the deck. I think you have trouble expressing your emotions and may be exposed to an unfriendly environment. I believe you have social anxiety and should see a doctor right away. If your friendships are so weak and based solely off of interest than you seriously need to work on your social life. Hope this helped!

  15. Γ–zgur
    December 29, 2017 at 4:35 AM

    How about about replacing 2 coldlight seer with 2 jugglers? Im having trouble getting use of the coldlights….

  16. Mosab
    December 15, 2017 at 3:42 AM

    So….. what happened to the mid range style of this deck? in ungoro both aggro and mid range styles were viable, and last expansion it was pretty strong. How is the deck now? Is it just too slow? or has no one experimented with it yet?

    • Vv
      December 22, 2017 at 11:51 PM

      The Midrange variant is still available, try the ‘big spell’ variants with dinosize & spoteful summoner

  17. catinthehat
    December 14, 2017 at 11:55 PM

    I don’t think the one health murlocs are very good. I know we need to run them to make divine favor work, but they just die to everything and we can’t hold on to them to play with coldlight seer. I think if you’re going to play murlocs in paladin then a more midrange deck makes more sense.

  18. SupHypUlt
    December 12, 2017 at 4:06 AM

    Wow updated list outdated article.

    • Evident
      December 12, 2017 at 7:05 AM

      We’re working on the guides, I mentioned this in the update section: I’ve updated the deck list above to the most popular version, but there will be inconsistencies in the deck guide while we are updating them across the site!

  19. Imma Moth
    November 8, 2017 at 9:16 AM

    Its like playing yugioh with this deck every card has synergies with each other as long as they have the same name.

  20. pookie
    November 8, 2017 at 4:49 AM

    Obviously not tier 1 deck anymore. Struggling vs zoolock, freeze/exodia mage, evolve shaman, priest and every kind of druid decks. Not recommended anymore.

    • Mosab
      November 9, 2017 at 9:18 PM

      The deck is definitely tier 1, only the low on though. It only struggles against zoo and tempo rogue, and sometimes evolve shaman. It beats priest really easily, unless big priest high rolls, it destroys every druid deck out there, especially jade druid, and it definitely beats any type of mage deck. Don’t know how your games have been going, but your either not playing the deck correctly, or just unlucky.

      • Fridge
        January 20, 2018 at 7:28 AM

        Agree… its a great deck but the very top of tier one? highly unlikely

  21. moon
    November 7, 2017 at 9:59 AM

    this deck feels awful, if you dont draw well or lose the board you immediately lose

    • Murloc Man
      November 8, 2017 at 9:39 AM

      Welcome to the current meta. High-roll hell.

  22. Manuu
    October 27, 2017 at 7:29 AM

    Hey, in case of the legendaries cards, which ones you can substitute with Uther or Lich King? I have all cards but Tirion and Finja.

    • Mosab
      October 29, 2017 at 2:20 AM

      As mentioned finja doesn’t make or break the deck, just a good addition if you have it, i don’t run it and my deck is running fine. Tirions job is a 8 mana threat that the enemy has to deal with, lich king pretty much fills up that role, like a ragnaros, its a card that the enemy doesn’t want on the board for a long time, so adding lich king instead of tirion is a good replacement i would say, but would recommend running stonehills if you dont already, since those cards can get you tirions really easily.

  23. Creedeth
    October 25, 2017 at 9:51 AM

    Does this deck still perform well?

    • Evident
      October 25, 2017 at 10:45 AM

      Yes, it’s actually pretty undervalued at the moment. I think a lot of people dusted their Warleaders and don’t want to re-craft them!

      • Loot Shark
        March 9, 2018 at 8:38 PM

        If people dusted their murloc cards just bless them.

  24. Mosab
    October 17, 2017 at 10:51 AM

    Is Finja really important? i have every card but him, and i just dont seem him being good in the midrange variant of the deck, aggro sure, but midrange? he just seems like a 5 drop tempo loss, and since most murlocs in this deck have battle cries, it just doesn’t sound good. is cobalt scale bane good replacement? i see a lot of people use him, especially since we run curator as well.

    • SEBO23
      October 20, 2017 at 8:27 AM

      He helps fill the board with murlocks after AOE and is a safe play on turn 5 (like skelemancer) waiting for steed on turn 6.

      • SEBO23
        October 20, 2017 at 11:06 AM

        But most important thing about finja is thinning your deck after round 6. You really don’t want to draw those 1, 2 lev murlocks then. He increases probability of drawing steed, curator, bonemare etc. That makes him legend. πŸ™‚

    • BlueyesOwl
      October 22, 2017 at 1:04 PM

      Aggro doesn’t really use finja.
      Mid and control need him more.
      You do a thinning deck and you avoid to draw unworthy murlocs that don’t help in mid and late game.

      • BlueyesOwl
        October 22, 2017 at 1:07 PM

        Personally, I don’t think is a worthy deck to go higher than 10 and also isn’t really tier1 deck anymore.
        It looses from almost everything like zoo, rogue, jade, priest.

        • Mosab
          October 24, 2017 at 9:30 PM

          I dont mean to sound offensive, but your arguement is kind of reluctant. The deck is definitley tier 1, maybe not the strongest of the 5 but still a very strong deck. Jade druid stands no chance against this deck, Razakus priest is a 50/50 match up, since if you draw your murlocs and curve then go megasaur, you will pretty much win, but if the enemy gets his key cards first then you cant beat him late. Zoo and Tempo rogue are its weakest match ups, however i’ve been running double golaka crawler and its been working great for me. Climbing with this deck is very easy, definitely can go higher than rank 10.

          • MattC
            October 25, 2017 at 6:37 AM

            im running this deck but i have a few adjustments, although i include finja. helps sometimes if i use finja, kill a minion, then use megasaur or Tarim and usually close out the victory as soon as that happens. if you go the other way and curve early and start ramping up your locks, you can win on turn 4 or 5 and don’t need finja. either way it IS o valuable in this deck. a non replacement in my opinion if you want to increase your winrate and win those games that you cant quite get the board control easily on.

          • MattC
            October 25, 2017 at 6:38 AM

            edit: and currently im rank 5, cant get out of r5 though keep facing rogues.

          • Loot Shark
            March 9, 2018 at 8:41 PM

            No I think you’re wrong if it loses its board to AOE it’s pretty much dunzoooooooo

  25. Arinth
    October 10, 2017 at 4:36 PM

    Does putting Bolvar Fireblood in this deck make any sense? If yes, what should I throw out to make room for it?

    • KaihatsuJai
      October 25, 2017 at 11:22 AM

      The Czech team won a world tournament with it, you may wanna check it out.
      That was 2 months ago however. Most don’t include him now.

  26. Bcfrederick39
    October 2, 2017 at 11:08 AM

    What is the best replacement for Tarim in this deck? Obviously he’s needed, but I’m at about 500 dust right now, having the rest of the deck. What should I throw in there until I can craft him?

  27. stewbacca
    September 30, 2017 at 9:17 AM

    -1 Righteous Protector
    -1 Curator
    +2 Skelemancers

  28. quest
    September 27, 2017 at 9:01 AM

    hey emmm i dont have curator i can replace them?

  29. SonOfAzrael
    September 18, 2017 at 4:07 PM

    Just hit legend with this deck! Legend rank 953 right now! I hit it with a 67% winrate (28 – 14). I definitely recommend it.

  30. bullshut
    September 9, 2017 at 10:57 AM

    can someone explain how this deck has such a high winrate vs aggro druid and jade druid? 10/10 games i playd against this cancer i lost and they didnt even playd innervate first turn

    • Iplitan
      September 14, 2017 at 12:28 AM

      because this deck is the most unfair shit ever, jade druid has to ramp, it has a slow start and has not enough removal, not even spreading plague is enough to stop all the bullshit this deck keeps spamming, and against aggro druid is simple: that deck relies on a single opening hand, they don’t have it, they lost before starting

  31. ErickNJ
    September 6, 2017 at 7:15 PM

    Hi guys.
    Today i got a golden cairne,so i wanted to know If this deck is rly worth right now.I only need Tarim to complete the deck.Is It worth crafting him with Cairne’s dust?
    Thx for the attention
    (Sry If bad English)

    • Evident
      September 6, 2017 at 7:30 PM

      I’d wait for the new nerf to Murloc Warleader and see how this deck shapes up then. Tarim is worth crafting, he shows up in just about every Paladin deck list.

  32. Illuriel
    September 4, 2017 at 7:49 AM

    this is not a topdeck anymore, gets roflstomped by half the new decks, rogue, druid, mage, and it sucks when it has to go turn 9 or 10 as your hand is empty…

    • Evident
      September 6, 2017 at 7:29 PM

      No idea where you’re getting that information. It still has a high win-rate and is among the top decks on just about every tier list.

  33. Cokuka
    September 3, 2017 at 11:41 PM

    Substitutions for the Curator guys? Thanks!

    • ErickNJ
      September 6, 2017 at 8:29 PM

      Divine favor is a good option

  34. Oskar
    September 1, 2017 at 11:03 AM


  35. Giorgio
    August 30, 2017 at 2:25 AM

    Hello everyone,
    Last season i found a golden tarim in a pack, and since then I’ve been looking for a list in order to make a deck out of it. I’ve got exactly the right dust to craft the whole list, but in the comment section I’ve seen some different ways of thinking. Excludung the core legendary of Tirion, and the epic murlocs, some people cut finja to make place for The lich king… I don’t have enough dust to make them both… Which one do you think is better? Please, if you want to leave a comment, will you explain why the choice? Thank you! πŸ˜€ and GL!
    P.S. I was thinking of two other things… Finja rotates earlier that The lich king, and also, it’s played mainly only in this archetype… So i was really thinking on crafting the Lich king, because it fits in different decks…
    Thank for your attention!

    • Giorgio
      August 30, 2017 at 5:15 AM

      P.P.S. I have Kharazhan, so the curator isn’t a problem

    • Deterth
      August 31, 2017 at 7:07 AM

      Finja will probably make the deck better overall but has fair less use in other decks.
      Craft finja if you plan on playing this deck for awhile. Craft lich king if youre looking for long term playability and further use in other decks.
      Personally Id go with The Lich King.

    • Dave
      August 31, 2017 at 10:07 AM

      I’d actually go further and say that The Lich King is getting pulled from more and more decks as people understand its power level. Finja really helps out the Murloc Paladin deck, so I’d say that is your craft.

    • Giorgio
      September 1, 2017 at 3:16 AM

      Thank you! πŸ™‚

  36. Zubbukh
    August 29, 2017 at 10:59 PM

    – two Grimscale Chums
    + two Skelemancers

    Works great, especially when you spikesgreed or bonemare it. Won me a couple of games πŸ™‚

  37. Sup3rskrull
    August 19, 2017 at 9:54 PM

    how’s the deck this season? has so many legendries and not sure if worth crafting them..

    • Scratch
      August 20, 2017 at 10:45 AM

      Trust me, it’s worth it I always get mopped against this. It’s just so expensive I don’t have the money to gather all the dust from extras to make it

    • Sailorjeff93
      August 23, 2017 at 9:32 AM

      Totally worth it, IMHO. Last night I went 10-2 and made it to Rank 20. The two loses, one was secret mage, the other a rogue whom had only basic cards and I had bad starting hand and they controlled the board the whole time, didn’t even concede, I owed them the win, he or she just played well.

    • Chris790
      August 23, 2017 at 12:55 PM

      I face elemental mages and jade druids mostly and get rekt so i am not sure

  38. Alexstarsza
    August 18, 2017 at 5:15 PM

    I still feel feel like Truesilver works better than Rallying Blade. This new version lacks board clearing. This deck used to have 2 Equality and 2 Consecration. Also, is using Tirion, Uther, and Lich King kinda overkill?

    • Shadowreaper91
      August 20, 2017 at 3:50 AM

      There’s not a single Paladin deck which doesn’t benefit from Tirion. I don’t think Lich King and Uther are overkill, especially in this slow new meta. I’m playing a similar deck with great results…changes I made:
      – Finja
      – Grimscale Chum x2

      + Uther of the Ebon Blade
      + Primordial Drake x1
      + Lich King

    • RagingPorkBun
      August 21, 2017 at 9:14 AM

      I’d have to agree with you. I don’t really see the point in using Rallying Blade if there are only 3 cards with Divine Shield. And usually by the time you get Tirion out, the Righteous Protectors have already been killed in the early turns.

  39. Sonofziz
    August 18, 2017 at 10:53 AM

    Just made this deck, its amazing!! Its both strong and fun to play. Quick question: i got Uther of the Ebon Blade, what would i want to swap for that? My intinct would be Bonemare, but i figured id ask

    • Mohikan
      August 20, 2017 at 11:37 PM

      bonemare is the best card in the expansion so i dont think you should replace that, i think you can swap with finja since it is pretty slow in my opinion

  40. Raven
    August 18, 2017 at 6:14 AM

    just tried this 10 games in a row won 2 / 10 games. With good draw, no mistakes. F##king sucks against alot of other decks atm which are made to counter this.

    • Scratch
      August 20, 2017 at 10:41 AM

      I’m playing mid-range token druid and this deck is the one deck that gives me the hardest time. Outta the 5 times I think I’ve seen it I’ve lost three. It’s hard if I can’t ramp up fast enough or they drop tarim on me

    • Afropower1
      August 25, 2017 at 5:41 AM

      If your going 2/10 that is your play to be honest this deck has a much higher win condition and I am currently playing a similar pally list winning over 70 percent current rank 1

  41. Alex
    August 18, 2017 at 5:15 AM

    The lich king was mentioned. Why he isn’t in this deck and can I use him in place of other card (which). Also why no Geist in this deck? Jade druid is everywhere.

  42. JoeMinsk
    August 18, 2017 at 3:36 AM

    easy to rank with this to rank 5 , i put in the new Bolvar of 5 mana instead of curator and looks great , very nice deck

  43. KingMoppi
    August 17, 2017 at 10:54 PM

    EZ Rank 5

  44. Metamagus
    August 16, 2017 at 11:21 AM

    Love me some Curator value, any card I can remove for Deathwing?

    • Evident
      August 16, 2017 at 1:16 PM

      I mean I wouldn’t want to add Deathwing, but if I did I’d probably cut a Bonemare.

  45. Fireflies
    August 16, 2017 at 10:57 AM

    Substitution for finja ?

    • Xasad87
      August 16, 2017 at 11:22 AM

      No sub for finja in murlock decks. sorry

      • Evident
        August 16, 2017 at 12:26 PM

        While I agree there’s no direct replacement, you can still swap it out for something like Corpsetaker, Wickeerflame Burnbristle, or Spellbreaker. The Lich King also sometimes sees play in these decks. I don’t think Finja make or breaks the deck.

  46. LuKe_AA
    August 15, 2017 at 1:53 AM

    6 One drops;
    4 Two drops;
    Open EVERY GAME with 4 to 8 Drops.
    Hate this s***.

  47. Weke
    August 14, 2017 at 3:08 PM

    try bolvar, adapt your murlocs with divine shield, seems pretty good for me.

    • xRakshasa
      August 16, 2017 at 11:35 AM

      Thats actually really smart

    • jflksd
      March 24, 2018 at 12:48 PM

      Too situational. Not worth running.

  48. Funkdat
    August 14, 2017 at 11:53 AM

    This is one of the most costly decks in the meta and people are trying to build it on a budget. That just doesn’t add up. You’ll make the deck so subpar that you might as well play a good budget deck like Evolve Shaman or Token Druid. Also, you can buy adventures with gold. Just save up. The Rag event should have made that easy. I got over 1000 gold from it without really trying.

    That aside, from the deck list I’ve seen, the real debate is which tech is better. The value of Stonehill Defender or the power of Corpsetaker. I’ve stuck with Stonehill so far because that extra taunt either buys me time or wins me the game (like getting an extra Tarim or Tirion). I’d like to hear what other have found in their testing as I’ve open to running either.

    • hardXful
      August 17, 2017 at 2:08 PM

      Its not even costly lol

  49. Arhol
    August 13, 2017 at 11:15 PM

    If you face too many Control/jade decks – try skelemancers,very good against almost any Control,coz it punish opponent If he clear your board