[MSG] N’Zoth Control Shaman ft. Devolve & Jinuy

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-32 - Style: ladder

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Really exited about Jinyu Waterspeaker! The only negative thing I can imagine from this card is curving out to Azure Drake. Might even cut one Spirit Claws because of that.
I could also see Devolve as a strong card against Grimy Goons decks as well as pseudo spell power making you multiple board clears better against all aggro and midrange decks. Not to mention good against other N’Zoth decks making almost every big deathrattle minion obsolete combined with 2 Hexes. Aaand taking out that pesky stealthed Gadgetzan Auctioneer!

Tell me guys what you think and maybe I’ll be improving the deck even further.

Copy+paste edit (cos I’m lazy):

 The new Shaman Legendary White Eyes was just announced, and i’m pretty sure it just made Elise Starseeker a bit overkill for the deck. I mean, you would not even want to turn that sweet 5 mana 10/10 taunt into a random legendary aftet you used N’Zoth, the CorruptorElise Starseeker was basicly a win condition against Control Warriors anyway if you didn’t manage to bait 2x Brawls before your N’Zoth, the Corruptor, so I’m guessing two extra 10/10 would do the trick anyway πŸ™‚

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  1. JoPack - Author
    November 24, 2016 at 11:33 AM

    Btw if Evident is reading, deckbuilder doesn’t classify Jeveled Scarab as a beast. ‘Lil things, but I thought you would wana know πŸ™‚