[MSG] Aggro Paladin (Theorycraft)

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: aggro - Season: season-32 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Mulligan is pretty straightforward. Just keep earlygame minions. Rallying Blade is also fine keep if you are against aggro/midrange or you have Divine Shield minions in hand already.

This is my take on Aggro Paladin on the upcomming expansion, The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.


Many say that these hand buffing cards are not for Aggro decks, and I can see the natural anti-synergy of dumping your hand and then drawing into these cards, but I think Aggro Paladin can pull this playstyle pretty nicely off.

First of all Aggro Pally has never had a problem with having a small hand size because of Divine Favor . This card can pull insane amount of cards, just when the enemy thinks you run out of steam.

Seconly Paladin is getting really good draw-cards in this expansion, such like Small-Time Recruits and Meanstreet Marshal. Namely Small-Time Recruits is a really awesome card for Aggro Pally, because not only does it draw 3 cards, they are also minions and can be comboed pretty nicely with Smuggler's Run and Grimestreet Outfitter as early as turn 4 and 5.

Hand buffing cards also have naturally great synergy with Divine Shield minions as well as Charge minions, not to mention with both on the same card (namely Argent Horserider). A seven to ten (or more with Abusive Sergeant ) damage Leeroy Jenkins is nothing to scoff about neither.

If you would like to include Don Han'Cho (link not working) in the deck, I would recommend taking one Argent Protector or Keeper of Uldaman out, since it would make Argent Horseriders and Leeroy Jenkins even greater threat to close out games.

Updated the deck due good suggestions in the comments.

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  1. Colslaughter
    November 22, 2016 at 8:05 AM

    The deck is looking pretty good! One suggestion I’d like to make is finding a place for Sogoth… He couldn’t be buffed in previous paladin buff decks (obviously) but this new buffing cards in hand mechanic will have great synergy and prove to be a very difficult minion to remove. Though it might be better suited for a buffadin deck rather than an aggro pally, I think it was worth suggesting!

  2. Zkool47
    November 18, 2016 at 8:34 AM

    I like the deck however I think it needs some fine tuning. I don’t think Barnes should be in the deck. He’s too inconsistent and there aren’t enough good minions for him to pull out to justify his spot. I’d recommend cutting both Barnes and a copy of Blessing of Kings in favor for two copies of Keeper of Uldaman.

    I’d also replace blessing of might with Abusive Sergeant. The more spells you have in the deck, the worse smuggler’s run and Grimstreet Outfitter become. So since Abusive has a relatively similar effect to blessing of might and has synergy with Grimstreet Outfitter and Smuggler’s Run, I’d put him in the deck.

    I also don’t think having two divine favors is a good idea. I think you should either have two copies of divine favor or two copies of small time recruits. Not both. I’d probably put in 2 dire wolf alphas to replace the divine favors.

    • JoPack - Author
      November 18, 2016 at 3:32 PM

      Really good points from both of you (Necronlord111 being the second dude). I’ve been playing alot of Aggro Pally in this meta (well, on almost every meta) and in no existing world would I take out even one Divine Favour out. They are the main reason Aggro Pally is even a viable deck, but yeah I think I will cut one Small-Time Recruits because the “anti-synergy” with Divine Favor drawing one drops also.

      Barnes has been really good in this meta, but right now (S32) i’m running only one bad Barnes candidate, that being Argent Protector. Now tho, this deck has 5 bad Barnes cards, so yeah, I think I will cut it also. Keeper of Uldamans are neat, but no way i’m cutting Blessing of Kings. They are just way too good with all the Divine Shield minions.

      Abusive Sergeant also sounds good over Blessing of Might. It was also from my old Aggro Pally deck, witch also run Blessing of Wisdoms for cheap spell to Arcane Anomaly.
      Actually I might change Arcane Anomalys away too, since they have kinda bad synergy with the deck, cos you will not be running so many cheap spells, but cheap minions for those sweet hand buffs.

      Thanks for the feedback 🙂

  3. Necronlord111
    November 18, 2016 at 1:17 AM

    I think double small time Recruits is to much. If you draw the second you won’t have that much 1 cost minions in your deck and through Divine Favour you WILL draw the second one.