Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
The Midrange Totem Shaman deck is starting to look like a bust, but maybe Mryagut is on to something with this Aggressive Shaman deck. Some TGT cards actually do make an appearance here, Totem Golem is a solid two drop, and Tuskarr Totemic can help give you a board to work with. Shaman has a lot of aggressive potential with cards like Rockbiter Weapon, Crackle, and Flametongue Totem. Beat your opponent down with minons and then finish them off with a charged up Doomhammer!
I agree with pittzahot and I think mana tide is not very good in aggro 1 would be good.
i’m kinda new to hs so what could i replace Fireguard Destroyer with? Thanks!
Second Whirling Zap-o-Matic and Haunted Creeper could work. If you want to just fill the 4-spot you could just use Chillwind Yeti.
What can you use to replace haunted creeper!
Argent Squire.
2 Feral Spirit is to much and only 1 earth schock is to less because this deck is an aggro deck so the minons taunt are very horrible for this deck . On top of that they are to much war control and dragon priest so i think cut one Feral Spirit for ad 1earth schock.
I like this deck so far. It is not at quick as a Face Hunter, but effective. Knife Juggler and Feral Spirit are a good combo.
Double Feral Spirit? That mean’s that you can’t play either Fireguard Destroyer or Piloted Shredder Next turn?
Feral Spirit isn’t usually a turn 3 play. It’s usually only used to redirect minion aggro when necessary. Flametongue, mana tide, whirling and KJ are especially great when they stick.
cut 1 doom hammer for Thunder Bluff
Thank You! =)
2 doom hammer is doing nothing but giving you a better chance to draw one…end up with two and call it a day……
Then cut 1 doom hammer for a blood lust
Man, I love Mr.Yagut…
Bless the lords for letting him bring the lowly peasants another awesome aggro deck!